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The Truth about Masks - Debunking Unprofessional Advisories


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes the total number of death would be higher but no worse than the number of deaths from influenza. We don't lockdown a nation because of influenza so why do we do so for Covid-19.

In 5 months, more than 300k dead in and 5 million infected is worse than the number from flu. And it continues to grow.

Lockdown because it is more contagious and there is no vaccine. Flu has vaccine.

Rest your case lah.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Covid-19 spreads easily. More infected, more deaths. SARS got kill 300,ooo or not? No.

More deaths from covid-19. More infected. Rest your case lah. Covid-19 is a bigger threat than SARS.

The definition of "deadly" has nothing to do with gross numbers it refers to the likelihood of causing death.

SARS is far more likely to cause death than Covid-19 hence it is more deadly.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
In 5 months, more than 300k dead in and 5 million infected is worse than the number from flu. And it continues to grow.

Lockdown because it is more contagious and there is no vaccine. Flu has vaccine.

Rest your case lah.

Flu may have a vaccine but the effectiveness of the vaccine is poor and it does not work for the elderly because their immune systems have a very weak response.

There are far more than 5 million infected. 5 million refers to the number of tests that were positive.

300,000 dead is a very low number compared to deaths caused by other diseases.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Look at the raw numbers. How many have died under covid-19? What magic number will convince you that covid-19 can kill more?

By your definition a car trip is more deadly than a rattlesnake bite because 1.4 million people die in road accidents every year but far fewer die from snake bites.

LHL made a statement that is absolutely correct and trying to redefine the meaning of the word "deadly" just to prove him wrong is ridiculous.


Alfrescian (Inf)
By your definition a car trip is more deadly than a rattlesnake bite because 1.4 million people die in road accidents every year but far fewer die from snake bites.

LHL made a statement that is absolutely correct and trying to redefine the meaning of the word "deadly" just to prove him wrong is ridiculous.

That there are more deaths from automobile accidents, that's why there are more laws to improve road safety. You see the same amount of effort put on preventing snake bites?


Alfrescian (Inf)

Sorry hor ...my English no powerful Let me rephrase.

Leongsam said:
By your definition a car trip is more deadly than a rattlesnake bite because 1.4 million people die in road accidents every year but far fewer die from snake bites.
LHL made a statement that is absolutely correct and trying to redefine the meaning of the word "deadly" just to prove him wrong is ridiculous.

Government spends more to ensure safer roads and almost ignore snakebites prevention because more people die in road accidents. While a rattlesnake bite is more deadly, that is not a common occurrence. Likewise, because more people are dying from covid-19 infection, the government is taking more measures to reduce the infection. Hope that is clearer.

Byebye Penis

Good morning,

Next, i wish to touch on reusable Face-shields, which will be issued to school children when we re-open. Conventional face-shields should be used along with masks to offer effective protection. Face-shields are also not helmets, fundamentally, they are not designed to be reusable.

Things to note for reusable face-shields:

1. Regular Cleaning
For reusable face-shields, it is understood that they should be disinfected correctly. This will be preached by suppliers.

2. Thickness
All face-shields should be more than 175micron thick. Reusable versions should be at least 225micron thick because they will be dented or damaged after hours of use.

3. Clarity
Almost all cheaper face-shields are hazy or blur and distorts vision. Many con men in my industry makes faceshield with inferior materials which are hazy or pre-coated for other purposes to make face-shields for fat profits. According to my sources, local faceshield manufacturers are unwilling to pay more than US$2.5 per sqm for the polyester. (Singapore also refused to get beds from local businesses for Expo quarantine and imported from Indonesia because they are cheaper). Hazy face-shields should not be issued to students or medical workers but china polyester manufacturers are flooding the whole with low-end materials.
Last edited:


Yes the total number of deaths would be higher but no worse than the number of deaths from influenza. We don't lockdown a nation because of influenza so why do we do so for Covid-19.

This sounds like why did the chicken cross the road?

Because China did so. And suddenly everyone thought it's a good idea?

Can't recall but someone called it a comedy of errors and I think that best describes how we got into this kerfuffle.

And the Democrats hate Trump so much they're willing to blow up the economy to get him out of office. Who knows if they are over reporting covid related deaths.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Kee Chiu's cock-up over "wear mask/don't wear mask/wear if you have to" summarised from Tan Meng Wah's FB:

As for Hong Kong, its Chief Executive Carrie Lam initially told public officials on 4 February not to wear masks because of mask shortage. After a public outcry, the no-face-mask policy was promptly reversed. To send out a unified message, Lam and her senior aides began putting on masks in public. It also helped that most Hongkongers remembered the 2003 SARS outbreak and took the initiative to wear masks even when the authorities said there was no need to. To solve the shortage problem, the Government approached 400 suppliers in about 20 countries to buy more masks. At the same time, volunteers and female inmates from the Correctional Services were mobilized to help boost production of masks to 90,000 a day or 2.5 million masks a month. According to a survey done in March 2020, 99% of the people reported wearing face masks when leaving home.

In the case of Singapore, it was only on 3 April, after infection rate showed signs of trending up, that the government made an apparent “U-turn” announcing that the authorities will “no longer discourage people from wearing masks” because of concerns that some cases in the community were going undetected. Notably, this was precisely the 4 doctors’ recommendation given earlier on in February.

The Government’s policy reversal came almost two months too late. By then, there were two separate outbreaks – one in the migrant worker dormitories and another in the rest of society. Because people were told not to wear face mask and to continue their daily life, there was now a “reservoir” of unidentified asymptomatic carriers. On April 3, to stop them from infecting others, stringent circuit-breaker measures, scheduled to last till May 4, were announced to restrict people’s movements. On 14 April, people were finally told they must wear a mask when they leave their house. Finally, on 21 April, the circuit breaker was not only enhanced but also extended by another 4 weeks from May 4 to June 1.

Hence, within a span of about three months, Government’s position on whether or not to wear face mask had gone from “no need” to “no longer discourage” and finally “mandatory”. The procrastination and reactive stance resulted eventually in not only high infection rates but also the implementation of harsh “circuit breaker” measures amounting in effect to a lockdown.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Kee Chiu's cock-up over "wear mask/don't wear mask/wear if you have to" summarised from Tan Meng Wah's FB:

As for Hong Kong, its Chief Executive Carrie Lam initially told public officials on 4 February not to wear masks because of mask shortage. After a public outcry, the no-face-mask policy was promptly reversed. To send out a unified message, Lam and her senior aides began putting on masks in public. It also helped that most Hongkongers remembered the 2003 SARS outbreak and took the initiative to wear masks even when the authorities said there was no need to. To solve the shortage problem, the Government approached 400 suppliers in about 20 countries to buy more masks. At the same time, volunteers and female inmates from the Correctional Services were mobilized to help boost production of masks to 90,000 a day or 2.5 million masks a month. According to a survey done in March 2020, 99% of the people reported wearing face masks when leaving home.

In the case of Singapore, it was only on 3 April, after infection rate showed signs of trending up, that the government made an apparent “U-turn” announcing that the authorities will “no longer discourage people from wearing masks” because of concerns that some cases in the community were going undetected. Notably, this was precisely the 4 doctors’ recommendation given earlier on in February.

The Government’s policy reversal came almost two months too late. By then, there were two separate outbreaks – one in the migrant worker dormitories and another in the rest of society. Because people were told not to wear face mask and to continue their daily life, there was now a “reservoir” of unidentified asymptomatic carriers. On April 3, to stop them from infecting others, stringent circuit-breaker measures, scheduled to last till May 4, were announced to restrict people’s movements. On 14 April, people were finally told they must wear a mask when they leave their house. Finally, on 21 April, the circuit breaker was not only enhanced but also extended by another 4 weeks from May 4 to June 1.

Hence, within a span of about three months, Government’s position on whether or not to wear face mask had gone from “no need” to “no longer discourage” and finally “mandatory”. The procrastination and reactive stance resulted eventually in not only high infection rates but also the implementation of harsh “circuit breaker” measures amounting in effect to a lockdown.

In NZ nobody is required to wear a mask and the virus has been contained and there has been no community transmission for 2 weeks.

There is no need for masks. They don't make a scrap of difference.

Byebye Penis

Many studies warn that cloth masks are 40-80% less effective due the above reasons.
Lastly, I wish to cite the example below for using Reusable Masks vs Surgical masks (Not N95):
Reference: Mask Comparison for Respiratory Illness and Influenza Protection

Clinical respiratory illness (CRI), influenza-like illness (ILI)

The rates of all infection outcomes were highest in the cloth mask arm, with the rate of ILI statistically significantly higher in the cloth mask arm (relative risk (RR)=13.00, 95% CI 1.69 to 100.07) compared with the medical mask arm. Cloth masks also had significantly higher rates of ILI compared with the control arm. An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%.

Cloth face masks offer zero shield against virus

Cloth face masks, often cobbled together as a makeshift alternative when stocks of surgical masks run low, and sometimes worn as a fashion statement, offer no practical protection against the novel coronavirus, a study shows.

Kazunari Onishi, an associate professor at St. Luke’s International University in Tokyo, found that cloth masks had a 100-percent leakage rate in terms of airborne particles penetrating the fabric and through the gap between masks and faces, substantially raising the risk of infection.

Byebye Penis

2. A pack 3-ply 50pcs surgical mask costs about $15 (online) to $28 (Petrol stations). This is back to the retail price before the outbreak in Wuhan. Each 3ply surgical mask cost 30-50 cents which is affordable for the general population.

Non medical-grade is about 7-10cents per piece now.

Byebye Penis

Allow me to share some industry observations.

This year, we have covid and dengue outbreaks. Dengue cannot be prevented by wearing masks.

In 2017-2019, we had massive HFMD outbreak in local childcares
This year, local HFMD is negligible and less children are getting sick from other common illness. In my bais opinion, we attribute these improvements to the wearing of masks in childcares.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I think this part is not true.

Singaporeans should not take the availability of masks for granted, Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said on Thursday (May 21). Mr Chan also said that the general public should use reusable masks instead of surgical masks, which should be conserved for healthcare workers.

This a fucking perfect example of how fucking INCOMPETENT, ignorant, stupid and silly CCS is.

You bloody fucking impose a MANDATORY MASK REQUIREMENT, and at the same time say that availability is short. CCB

I can get masks for $8 for 50 pieces, and not a result of anything this fucking government has done. Private enterprise leads the way. They are the ones who got the masks in and can sell it affordably to the public. Bloody fucking rotten incompetent govt.

Byebye Penis

This a fucking perfect example of how fucking INCOMPETENT, ignorant, stupid and silly CCS is.

You bloody fucking impose a MANDATORY MASK REQUIREMENT, and at the same time say that availability is short. CCB

I can get masks for $8 for 50 pieces, and not a result of anything this fucking government has done. Private enterprise leads the way. They are the ones who got the masks in and can sell it affordably to the public. Bloody fucking rotten incompetent govt.

Non-medical grades wholesale prices is about 7 cents per piece including shipping via ocean freight.
You can get $5 a box (50pcs) and they still make about 50% gross.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Non-medical grades wholesale prices is about 7 cents per piece including shipping via ocean freight.
You can get $5 a box (50pcs) and they still make about 50% gross.

Frankly speaking non medical grade is enough. Who cares about quality. Nowadays wear mask outside is just for show. Unless you socialize or work with those work permit holders and those construction workers, there is nothing to worry about.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Frankly speaking non medical grade is enough. Who cares about quality. Nowadays wear mask outside is just for show. Unless you socialize or work with those work permit holders and those construction workers, there is nothing to worry about.

If masks were just for show making them compulsory would be a benign act. However the problem is that masks actually INCREASE the risk of infection which is why I am convinced that the world has gone looney and that world leaders are actually doing their level best to prolong Covid-19 for political ends while drug companies are doing the same for financial gain.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Horowitz: Argentina is world's worst COVID-19 hot spot despite 200-day lockdown
Daniel Horowitz
3-4 minutes

Who would have thought that in the 21st century numerous countries would revert to dark age thinking concerning viral epidemics? In Argentina, officials were so paranoid and panicked over the virus that not only did they lock down the country for over 200 days, they ordered all bodies of the deceased in some areas be cremated.

The result? They are now in the worst position of any country … after having destroyed their society for 200 days to stop it!

On Tuesday, NBC reported that Argentina had the highest positivity rate of confirmed COVID-19 testing of any country in the world. Their positivity rate is just shy of 60%. They also have the world's highest seven-day rolling average of new fatalities. While the media is claiming they are being lax about enforcement, the reality is that they had one of the earliest and most draconian lockdowns. They had a mask mandate in place since April 14. They even forced cremation of some of those who died from the virus against the will of Jewish residents who asked for a proper burial.

Yet, the strategy of locking down and wearing masks to somehow avoid the spread of a virus from the living is as primitive and sophomoric as the dark age fear of dead bodies spreading the virus. As their Latin American neighbor, Peru, learned, lockdowns only work until it is actually time for the virus to spread in a given area. At that point, nothing works until it runs its course. Peru has the overall highest per capita fatality rate despite having what some considered the strictest lockdown.

Argentina, like many of the countries around the world that barely experienced any virus deaths during the first few months of the pandemic, thought that their draconian policies enabled them to dodge the bullet. But when spring turned into summer, they began experiencing growth in cases that later intensified, as we have seen in many countries that first escaped the virus. Argentina was praised by the liberal media for following the science and imposing a "strict COVID-19 lockdown," which "saved lives."

Israel is another prime example of a country that had a strict lockdown early on and a continuous mask mandate, yet the virus is now spreading quickly. The plaudits that were lavished upon their leaders was as premature as praising a baseball team for its performance after the first inning.

While we are busy counting COVID-19 deaths in many of these countries without any regard as to whether those deaths were avoidable, we know that the lockdown deaths are 100% man-made. After locking down for over a half year, Argentina has nothing to show for it but an economy on the brink and massive poverty. Nearly half of all its citizens are now living in poverty and their rate of inflation is over 40%.

Contrast this to Sweden where its economy and mental health is in intact with fewer deaths and it becomes clear that lockdowns were the worst public policy decision in modern history. All pain and no gain.