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The Truth about Masks - Debunking Unprofessional Advisories


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I have changed my view on masks and now I agree with you. Masks are useless - at least, the way we are wearing them. Unless you are surgeon with a mask and a face shield on and you know how to create what's called a "sterile field" around a patient during surgery, I suggest that people don't count on masks to protect others OR to protect themselves.

Basically I am only doing it for show now (and pretending to actually like it)

Good to know that others are beginning to see the light. You will not believe how much abuse I've had to endure both in cyberspace as well as the real world when it comes to masks. It was like trying to convince a Xtian that God did not exist. Using logical arguments simply does not work. People have been taught to believe in masks the way they believe in God ie no evidence necessary.

Byebye Penis

Dear Singaporeans,

I wish to issue an advisory regarding the N95 masks that you collected from supermarkets lately.

N95 is a better protection, a great effort from government but I recommend that you keep the N95 for the next haze season. N95 offers better protection against haze than 3ply surgical masks.

For commoners, it is difficult to buy authentic N95:
  • 3M has a huge stockpile but most sold online are fakes because 3M has committed the sales of their N95 production to healthcare institutions around the world.
  • Honeywell was the second largest N95 producer before 2021 but they still didn't have much to go around.
  • BYD's N95 was not acceptable (they changed several designs in 2020) until lately by FDA. All other chinese N95 & KN95 are rouge standards in my opinion.

KF-94 from Korea is very good for haze protection too.

However, it is a tough job to expect our citizens to buy approved N95 or KF-94 on their own if there is any haze.

Therefore, I suggest that we continue to use 3ply surgical mask (don't use cloth masks) and every household keeps some govt-issued BYD N95 stockpile for haze. Your children's schools are not air-conditioned, so it will come in useful.
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Byebye Penis


Byebye Penis

29th Jan 2022

Omicron or BA.2 will not definitely show up positive on ART tests in the initial days, even if there's fever,
causing many GPs to be on HRW exposures.

IF YOUR FAMILY MEMBER IS COVIDED, please use N95 masks in the household:
- If there are enough N95 masks, the household member and patents should be on N95. Each N95 masks can be used for 1-2 days.
- If there isn't enough, at least the patient should be N95-masked when he is not sleeping. DO NOT USE N95 when resting/sleeping.
- The patient should not use the N95 masks with valve. Authentic 3M or Honeywell N95 is now available OTC, do not buy from online retailers, many are fakes.
- The next best suitable substitute is KF-94 or BYD N95 but I reiterate that in a covid household, 3M or Honeywell N95 should be the sole consideration.
- Do not depend on KN-95 or surgical masks, unless there is no better choice.

Byebye Penis


Covid Vaccines Don’t Work Against New Variants; Only Thing That Reliably Works Are “Really High Quality Masks”​



Good to know that others are beginning to see the light. You will not believe how much abuse I've had to endure both in cyberspace as well as the real world when it comes to masks. It was like trying to convince a Xtian that God did not exist. Using logical arguments simply does not work. People have been taught to believe in masks the way they believe in God ie no evidence necessary.
I did not believe that God exist too, because science said so. But what if the science supporting our logical arguments were untrue and fake?
