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- Apr 21, 2012
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We met earLier today.Seemed Like he have no one to turn to, as most of his reLatives
or buddies have either shunned him or not having the resources to tide him over his request of finding a white knight to take over his debts and paying them @ interest-free instaLLments.
i know where he's coming from.He's currentLy paying a min payment of cLose to $2.2k monthLy for aLL the outstanding charges aLone..and he may never get to see the Light even if he LoyaLLy continues to pay the minimum to year infinity.
Question is, if i pLonk this 60k to cLear his debts; how wouLd i know if he stiLL have the capabiLity to
appLy for the cards' faciLities again, or is there any way to stop the issuers from doing so ?..
He's neither a gambLer nor womaniser, just that his wayward's past of being a big spender have
accumuLated & gotten him to be at this stage as it is today.
WouLd mine's other aLternative suggestion to him to decLare a bankrupt heLp ?..
or buddies have either shunned him or not having the resources to tide him over his request of finding a white knight to take over his debts and paying them @ interest-free instaLLments.
i know where he's coming from.He's currentLy paying a min payment of cLose to $2.2k monthLy for aLL the outstanding charges aLone..and he may never get to see the Light even if he LoyaLLy continues to pay the minimum to year infinity.
Question is, if i pLonk this 60k to cLear his debts; how wouLd i know if he stiLL have the capabiLity to
appLy for the cards' faciLities again, or is there any way to stop the issuers from doing so ?..
He's neither a gambLer nor womaniser, just that his wayward's past of being a big spender have
accumuLated & gotten him to be at this stage as it is today.
WouLd mine's other aLternative suggestion to him to decLare a bankrupt heLp ?..