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Breaking News!Pastor Kong Hee And Pastors Arrested And Charge!


Its a global practice and it actually started with the Catholic Church and all religions have capitalised on it. There charity arm is set up to ostensibly do social and charitable work. That arm has charity status. Then they transfer all fund raising and profit making enterprise into this arm to enjoy reduce the tax burden. They also employ their members in this arm and this is where they draw their salaries. It has been abused all around the world. In the actual Church they are not salaried and consider themselves Church volunteers. Durai actually had the title "Hon Sec" of the NKF Board as he was not paid but he was employed as CEO of the Charitable arm and drew a salary.

I have a few things to get off my chest...

1. How did CHC become listed as a "charity"?? The Red Cross is a charity. The NKF(notwithstanding the great TT Durai) is a charity. Collecting donations from the congregation, i.e. believers is a charity?

2. How can you say that only some individuals are being investigated and the church has done no wrong? THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE THE CHURCH. THEY STARTED IT. Its .


Compulsory contribution in the form of taxation. Nobody investigates the Hakka lee regime for losing billions of peasants monies.

Voluntary contribution, CAD so bloody kaypoh and investigates even it is none of their bloody business.

What the freaking fish is this?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Then after he donated, a few days later, somebody gave him a cheque a few thousand dollar out of no reason. He told audience to give what they have in their wallet , GOD will rewarded that more than they have.
is this a joke?:biggrin:
then i rather believe buying toto will strike me rich. hahaha:biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Er, you being too optimistic. If they can lie, they will lie. They aren't Christians. REAL believers do not do this. They are like MLM shoddy salesmen. They charge up the crowd with beautiful (emotional) words to make them do something - buy or donate money. Don't be fooled by these people.

True story : I was trying to reveal the church that I had discovered as being the ultimate or as 'real' to an army friend but he disbelieved it. Later, he joined this 'church' - CHC. Wah, these people throw lots of money into the coffer to build the 'church'. Wah, he very 'hao lian' but I know he kanna conned already lah. Today's news you see is the revelation of what I have suspected all along.

Actually, the word "real" is not a good description here because only the real church can be called a church. A church is congregation of people who worship God in TRUTH and SPIRIT.

John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.

Let's get this straight : fake church is NOT a church. The word "church" is being abused. I have seen God in a form of light, heat and a strange sound can't describe. He has no known form ... some kind of floating energy. He will be with you if you receive the HOLY SPIRIT.

Many churches DO NOT do tell you this ! They are all blind guides !

Matt 15:13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides.[a] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

God had already warned the (real) church. These are NOT the sheep of God.

" I have seen God in a form of light, heat and a strange sound can't describe. He has no known form ... some kind of floating energy. He will be with you if you receive the HOLY SPIRIT. "

whahhahahhaha..you got hear voices alot ? whahahahah ...sorry to hear your condition is getting worst :wink: whahahahah..looks like the last time you visited me , the medication i give you doesnt work . i will give you a stronger medicine on your next visit :wink: whahahaha

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33 pages and nothing to add but scorn to the beleaguered CHC. How many of you have been in there attending their services? We like to call people who do things different from us stupid, delusional as if there is a universal truth out there. We all get manipulated, whether by the Lees, the Kongs or the Jews who ran the financial institutions. I hope it will be bruising fight between my 2 pet hates, the Familees and the Evangelicals. Maybe its God's or some aliens plan to save earth.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Reminder of Sun HO:

Ho Yeow Sun sets the record straight about sexual abuse

SINGAPORE : Ho Yeow Sun can't seem to avoid making headlines, and not always in a good way.

The 37-year-old recording star, who first made the news as the "singing pastor" of City Harvest Church, has in the course of her career weathered accusations that she dresses inappropriately for a Christian woman and that she has used her influence at the church to sell her albums.

While Sun has made clear that she's not a pastor but a counsellor at the church, many Singaporeans still seem unwilling to welcome her with open arms.

Public opinion has long seemed divided when it comes to Sun and there appears to be far less media coverage of her success overseas than there is of fellow homegrown songbirds like Stefanie Sun.

This week, it was reported in some newspapers here that the singer had told the Taiwanese media of being sexually abused as a child.

Cynics might have wondered if it was a calculated move aimed at boosting sales of her newly-released Mandarin album, Embrace.

However, in a phone chat with TODAY from Taiwan, where she is promoting the album, Sun set the record straight on the matter, saying she had never spoken about such a private aspect of her past.

She also discussed her collaboration with American hip hop star and producer Wyclef Jean on an upcoming English-language album, the difficulties of juggling motherhood with a globe-trotting career as a singer, and why she thinks Singaporeans are still reluctant to embrace her.

1. This week, it was reported that you had told the Taiwanese media you were sexually abused when you were six years old. Now you're saying that you never said that?

I never said anything like that because I know how it would affect my mother.

The news about my past first came out in a weekly Taiwanese magazine called TVBS around March 20.

I was so shocked when I read it because it's something that I don't talk about except to the people I counsel as part of my work at the church. I have never even spoken about it to my family.

I wish I knew how the magazine found out, but I still don't.

When I met reporters during my qing gong yan (post-album release celebration) about two days after that article came out, everyone was asking about it. I couldn't possibly ignore their questions so I just tried to make it brief.

2. It's still not well known that the news was leaked. Why?

I've tried to clarify this with the media but I don't know why many of them don't report it.

My sister read the reports from Singapore to me over the phone when they came out.

There was another thing that was incorrectly reported: That it went on for five years. It only happened once. So please, help me set things straight.

3. What crossed your mind when you read the erroneous reports?

All I thought was that I didn't want the news to reach Singapore because my mother didn't know about this.

I knew that my mother wouldn't be able to take the news.

She misses me very much and she makes otah and birds' nest and asks people who are going to Taiwan to pass them to me.

This is the worst thing that I could do to her. In fact, she didn't take it well at all when she heard and she was crying.

4. Your new Mandarin album, Embrace, which is also your fifth, is doing well in Taiwan. What's the idea behind the album?

The whole idea of the album came about when my friend pointed me to a YouTube video of this guy giving out free hugs. It's a movement that has spread worldwide.

I was really touched by that. In these times, we all need more encouragement and love, that's why I decided to call my album Embrace.

5. You're collaborating with Wyclef Jean on your upcoming US album. You keep calling him "Clef", so are the two of you close?

I call him Master Clef. I love him, he's so great. All my manager wanted was for him to remix my album, but when he heard my voice, he said he wanted to work with me.

I was so nervous when I first met him that I had a fever the night before. When we met, he picked up his guitar and started singing made-up songs about his impressions of me and Asian people.

In fact, the first single off that album, China Wine, came out of that very informal session. China Wine is already playing on New York radio.

6. So, what is Wyclef Jean really like?

I've worked with several big names in the US, like (multiple Grammy Award-nominated songwriter) Diane Warren, who's like a teenager, especially when we go shopping.

But no one gives me the kind of feeling he does. He could be awake until 3am writing songs and the next day he will be up by 10am.

I've asked him, what kind of vitamins are you taking? How do you do this?

7. How do you cope with being a mother and a singer whose career straddles two continents?

I never imagined that it would be so hard. You have a schedule to follow, whether you're feeling well or not. I take (two-year-old son) Dayan everywhere and he's actually much better than me at travelling. He calls Wyclef "Uncle Clef" and he's friendly with everyone in the studio.

Sometimes when I get home at night, there's Dayan waiting for me. I'll play with him no matter how tired I am. But I have felt like I don't have a life. I've felt like I can't breathe.

8. You were on the receiving end of a lot of bad publicity in the early part of your career. Do you feel Singaporeans still have misgivings about you?

I used to feel that way, but things have been getting better since my most recent album Gain. I feel like people who didn't understand me before, understand me better now.

They may not become fans, but at least they're not detractors anymore. But I don't have any illusions that the whole of Singapore will love me.

9. Why is it that despite all your achievements in the international music industry, the spotlight doesn't seem to shine on you as much back home in Singapore?

Sometimes, I think about that but I try not to be negative about things. There are still lots of Singaporeans who are proud of me.

I met X'Ho at the launch of my boutique, Skin, and he told me how proud he was of me, of what I'm trying to do in the US. I hardly know him, so that meant a lot to me.

I'm not anxious about the lack of news, I think once really good news is out, people will be proud of me.

10. If there's anything you could clarify about yourself to your fellow Singaporeans, what would it be?

On my new album, the first song is called Take A Look At Me, which I wrote the music and lyrics to.

All I want to say is: Give me a chance, trust my heart. I'm not trying to preach, all I want to do is give hope, strength and enjoyment to people who listen to my music. - TODAY/fa

Mdm Tang



City Harvest stands by Disgraced Pastor.
By Jeanette Tan

PostsWebsite .By Jeanette Tan | Yahoo! Newsroom – 10 hours ago.


City Harvest Church (CHC) has thrown its weight behind its founder Kong Hee and four other key members who were charged Wednesday over alleged misuse of the charity’s funds.

In a statement released by executive pastor Aries Zulkarnain on Thursday evening, the church stated that it is standing by the five individuals.

"The people currently in the news are our pastors and trusted staff and leaders who have always put God and CHC first," he said. "As a church we stand with them and i believe fully in their integrity."

The statement also said that Kong, 47, and his deputy pastor Tan Ye Peng, 39, who both face charges of criminal breach of trust, will continue preaching at the megachurch.

Addressing the current charges that stand against the five accused leaders, Zulkarnain maintained that the church did not lose any money in the transactions detailed in the charges, which list two separate amounts of S$24 million and a further S$26.6 million.

"The S$24 million, which went into investment bonds, was returned to the church in full, with interest... The church did not lose any funds in the relevant transactions, and no personal profit was gained by the individuals concerned," he said.

The church's pastor in charge of missions Bobby Chaw said the church had taken measures to meet the code of governance that was established by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports over the past two years.

Noting that half of the church’s management board had been replaced with new members, Chaw pointed out that a full internal audit had been carried out, with the church putting into action the recommendations made from it.

He said also that the church was surprised that the Commissioner of Charities (COC) had suspended the eight church leaders -- the five who were charged, as well as Kong's wife and U.S.-based singer Ho Yeow Sun, 40, and two others -- without prior notice.

Chaw also said in the statement that certain media outlets "seem to have pre-judged" the case, particularly in relation to their treatment of the COC inquiry, adding that they will be dealt with "in due course".

Kong, Tan and three other City Harvest leaders were on Tuesday arrested for questioning by the Commercial Affairs Department on allegations of misuse of some $23 million in church funds to advance Sun Ho’s music career.

The COC said in an earlier statement that an inquiry it conducted found a “concerted effort” had been made by the five to conceal the mismanagement from the church’s thousands of attendees, many of whom donate substantial portions of their incomes through tithing.

The five were later charged in court on Wednesday with a total of 33 charges of criminal breach of trust and falsifying church accounts to cover up discrepancies. They are now all out on bail.

Before Thursday evening’s statement, the church had only informed its community that its operations and cell group meetings would proceed as usual, including its weekend services at the Singapore Expo and its main building in Jurong West, but had declined further comment on the case as it was before the courts.

Mdm Tang


From the above article one got the

impression that No Money Gone Missing !!!

In Fact there were Interest Earned !!!

Can People be More Clear :

Money Missing Not = Money Misused !!!

Money Misused Not = Money MIssing !!!

So where the Hell is the S$50.60 M ???


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

From the above article one got the

impression that No Money Gone Missing !!!

In Fact there were Interest Earned !!!

Can People be More Clear :

Money Missing Not = Money Misused !!!

Money Misused Not = Money MIssing !!!

So where the Hell is the S$50.60 M ???

hi there

1. ah tang!
2. borrowed this from one of ugliest daft sheep
3. "what do you think?"

Mdm Tang


From the above article one got the

impression that No Money Gone Missing !!!

In Fact there were Interest Earned !!!

Can People be More Clear :

Money Missing Not = Money Misused !!!

Money Misused Not = Money MIssing !!!

So where the Hell is the S$50.60 M ???

Online Dictionary :

Misused = To Use Incorrectly


Shameful Reportings and Stupid Charges !!!


Compulsory contribution in the form of taxation. Nobody investigates the Hakka lee regime for losing billions of peasants monies.

Voluntary contribution, CAD so bloody kaypoh and investigates even it is none of their bloody business.

What the freaking fish is this?

Not exactly. 60.1% did vote for the pyramid scheme. :(


We Christians are in the world, but not of the world??

If you want to engage the marketplace, then play by the laws governing the marketplace.



City Harvest stands by Disgraced Pastor.
By Jeanette Tan

PostsWebsite .By Jeanette Tan | Yahoo! Newsroom – 10 hours ago.


City Harvest Church (CHC) has thrown its weight behind its founder Kong Hee and four other key members who were charged Wednesday over alleged misuse of the charity’s funds.

In a statement released by executive pastor Aries Zulkarnain on Thursday evening, the church stated that it is standing by the five individuals.

"The people currently in the news are our pastors and trusted staff and leaders who have always put God and CHC first," he said. "As a church we stand with them and i believe fully in their integrity."

The statement also said that Kong, 47, and his deputy pastor Tan Ye Peng, 39, who both face charges of criminal breach of trust, will continue preaching at the megachurch.

Addressing the current charges that stand against the five accused leaders, Zulkarnain maintained that the church did not lose any money in the transactions detailed in the charges, which list two separate amounts of S$24 million and a further S$26.6 million.

"The S$24 million, which went into investment bonds, was returned to the church in full, with interest... The church did not lose any funds in the relevant transactions, and no personal profit was gained by the individuals concerned," he said.

The church's pastor in charge of missions Bobby Chaw said the church had taken measures to meet the code of governance that was established by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports over the past two years.

Noting that half of the church’s management board had been replaced with new members, Chaw pointed out that a full internal audit had been carried out, with the church putting into action the recommendations made from it.

He said also that the church was surprised that the Commissioner of Charities (COC) had suspended the eight church leaders -- the five who were charged, as well as Kong's wife and U.S.-based singer Ho Yeow Sun, 40, and two others -- without prior notice.

Chaw also said in the statement that certain media outlets "seem to have pre-judged" the case, particularly in relation to their treatment of the COC inquiry, adding that they will be dealt with "in due course".

Kong, Tan and three other City Harvest leaders were on Tuesday arrested for questioning by the Commercial Affairs Department on allegations of misuse of some $23 million in church funds to advance Sun Ho’s music career.

The COC said in an earlier statement that an inquiry it conducted found a “concerted effort” had been made by the five to conceal the mismanagement from the church’s thousands of attendees, many of whom donate substantial portions of their incomes through tithing.

The five were later charged in court on Wednesday with a total of 33 charges of criminal breach of trust and falsifying church accounts to cover up discrepancies. They are now all out on bail.

Before Thursday evening’s statement, the church had only informed its community that its operations and cell group meetings would proceed as usual, including its weekend services at the Singapore Expo and its main building in Jurong West, but had declined further comment on the case as it was before the courts.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
another gong kia...

The Truth about Project Crossover and Allegations
by Truths about Project Crossover on Thursday, 28 June 2012 at 22:26 ·

I am a Christian attending City Harvest Church and I am grateful to how the church has made my life better. Yes, I go to CHC, the church that is now constantly in the media limelight. By now, I am sure everyone has heard of the Crossover project. Here, I would like to personally share what I know as a CHC churchgoer.

A few weeks ago, I attended a very moving service at Suntec. 6 May, to be exact. I remember that day clearly because our pastors shared with us good news that can only be possible with God's grace.

Crossover project is part of our church's outreach program. We bring God's love to people, people who have little or no chance to know God through pop music, sung by our pastor's wife, Sun.

The Crossover project started in Taiwan. Ps Kong said that the Christian population has grown from 3% to 10%. Through pop music, we have managed to touch 7%! Now, when you go to Taiwan, you will find many youth ministries. It is blessed to know that youths have managed to find Christ at a young age. To my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, we all know how our lives were like before we accepted Christ into our lives. How all of us wished we had accepted Him earlier.

The road to Christ is never smooth sailing. Ps Kong shared how he and his wife went through hard times. She had a difficult pregnancy. After Dayan was born, Sun had to juggle her role as a mother and a true servant of God. She had to practise singing and dancing for hours just after she gave birth. Ps Kong asked what we would give up for Christ. He and his wife had sacrificed so much for God. At once, I thought of my personal journey with God. I found myself tearing.

PS Kong also gave examples of the challenges that he faced when carrying out project Crossover. But he never once wavered because this is the true calling of God. He thanked us sincerely for crossing over. Ps Kong cried. By then, almost all of us in the service were crying also.

Through Project Crossover, we can see that Ps Kong has been steadfast in his commitment towards the project. Yet there are people out there who throw baseless allegations at Ps Kong and his wife. There are many uncalled for comments which I can tolerate. But clearly some have overstepped the line and are clearly slander.

A David Caleb has been making many untruthful comments on Facebook saying that Sun had used the funds for project Crossover to perform surgery on her body. This allegations are so uncalled for! David Caleb even suggested that Sun was seeing another man. How can this be when the couple have made so many personal sacrifices? Hasn't David Caleb seen the photos of Ps Kong and Sun holding hands, walking out of the court? Even if he is guilty doesn't people see how many lives Ps Kong have transformed and changed?

This is what project Crossover is about. Please do not write CHC off just because of the current difficulty.

I trust the Lord. Jesus reigns. God Bless Ps Kong and his family.