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SDP healthcare plan: Scrap Medisave and increase govt spending


I agree with the SDP proposal as a whole.

Interestingly, my political views are getting more and more aligned to SDP and further and further away from NSP. I don't know if that is a change in me or the two parties.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I agree with the SDP proposal as a whole.

Interestingly, my political views are getting more and more aligned to SDP and further and further away from NSP. I don't know if that is a change in me or the two parties.

That's because SDP has moved away from Martin Luther King and has addressed teething issues like healthcare with finesse and increasing level of political maturity. The effort and the results are quite commendable, even if there are specific proposals or areas each of us would disagree with.

In short, SDP has increased its support base because more people now like its increasingly constructive and intelligent approach to politics.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Sorry, what's SDP healthcare plan? Anyway, people who benefitted more from society should give back more to society to help people who benefitted less. That's my point. Medical savings and insurance is poor or rich, all take care of yourselves. It makes the poor poorer even before getting sick, see the point?

I don't believe you did not read SDP's plan. What you said encapsulated the very essence of the SDP's plan.

Unless you claim that you and SDP "Bu Mou Er Her".


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't believe you did not read SDP's plan. What you said encapsulated the very essence of the SDP's plan.

Unless you claim that you and SDP "Bu Mou Er Her".

I read it from WP Manifesto since 2006 and agreed with it. If it's 不谋而合,then it's the other way around, i.e. SDP agreeing with WP.


government is not likely to increase spending on healthcare up to that level we feel comfortable about
can only happen if we change the government
but lots of people are afraid of changes
which means we can only keep complaining from sunrise to sunset and things will never change


IF the government continues making defence their largest ticket item, the attack will not be from the without but from within. Their loss will be the oppositions' gain.

In the meantime, WP should be burning the candles at both ends to make a bigger impact on the lives of the citizens, So far, I am not particularly impressed by their lacklustre performance.


Agree with you bros. Only highly intelligent people can understand and appreciate the SDP plan. With the plan, Singaporeans will grow closer and become more cohesive as a caring society that has been riven apart by PAP's make money at all costs policies!

Kudos to the docs without political borders! Medicins sans frontiere politique!

That's because SDP has moved away from Martin Luther King and has addressed teething issues like healthcare with finesse and increasing level of political maturity. The effort and the results are quite commendable, even if there are specific proposals or areas each of us would disagree with.

In short, SDP has increased its support base because more people now like its increasingly constructive and intelligent approach to politics.

I agree with the SDP proposal as a whole.

Interestingly, my political views are getting more and more aligned to SDP and further and further away from NSP. I don't know if that is a change in me or the two parties.


Do you and have you owned a car and involved in accident before? If you have, then you'll know how mechanics and workshops jack up the claims since insurance is covering. Insurance companies are not stupid moneytrees with moneyfruits for them to pluck too. They'll in turn jack up the premiums. In the end, safe drivers who never need to claim subsidize the reckless drivers. Same as for medical insurance. I don't want to go into essay or thesis on this analogy. Trust you'll figure it out.

Abuse of a system is another kettle of fish altogether.
BTW did SDP system mention co-payments?
This is one weapon against abuse.


the way to go is for govt to be the sole insurer. Those insured also have to co-pay. Countries like Canada have run this system long enough and even the Americans wonder how it could be done. Saw the movie by Michael Moore who surveyed the Canadian Health care plan? Americans wondered how Canadians do it. Did it go thru the roof? No. Want to build social inclusivity, which seems to be the buzzword nowadays? Then go for it! After all, we are now paying more and not getting much, and our society has become divisive, citizens meaner towards one another, self-centred, uncaring - legacy of the PAP valued system.

Do you and have you owned a car and involved in accident before? If you have, then you'll know how mechanics and workshops jack up the claims since insurance is covering. Insurance companies are not stupid moneytrees with moneyfruits for them to pluck too. They'll in turn jack up the premiums. In the end, safe drivers who never need to claim subsidize the reckless drivers. Same as for medical insurance. I don't want to go into essay or thesis on this analogy. Trust you'll figure it out.


Why not consider cutting medical purchasing expenditure as a means to reduce cost. Medicine and research is fine, but structural and equipment costs can be reduced further.


Why not consider cutting medical purchasing expenditure as a means to reduce cost. Medicine and research is fine, but structural and equipment costs can be reduced further.

Many equipment are actually good, improves health care and saves lives.
An example of an expensive equipment would be CT scan. This thing is expensive but can give accuracy to diagnosis which is crucial and can lowers overall cost to the patient because they are treated correctly as a result.

A better approach to control health care costs is to change the paradigm away from prescription drugs and surgeries to alternative medicine. However, this run against the pockets of doctors, medical disposables, pharmaceutical companies, medical schools and research bodies and will face a lot of resistance from the establishment.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dear Frens,

the one point I want to bring up is Military Spending. There are comments that its too important and the country will destablise if we cut spending etc. So its 'guns at all cost' idea.

The issue is the effectiveness of the military spending in Singapore. Are we getting the 'bang for the buck'. Just look at this Tan Chuan Jin General, he is late 30s, a product of the singapore education system. Look at him during the GE, do u think he can lead men into war?? Even Goering was more effective than him. And he is just 1 general of the whole lot we have. Wat about the rest of the officer corp?

Another point is Spending in equipment and men. Does the SAF take care of its men, the rank and file? U get injured during NSF,,too fucking bad,,,u take care yourself. If u are reservist..you fail IPPT,,u get to train to be fit,,you got work,,need to earn living..too bad,,,your problem.

ICT system,,,how many Reservist have to disrupt their work and go back? U think employers happy? How many when go for ICT, they tell you to leave mobile number and go home..when ring u come back hor? Due to lack of bunks and typical SAF screw ups.

All this waste the citizens time and tax payers money. This is the main reason why spending keeps going up,,to keep the full time military employed not for the defence of the nation.

So SAF budget need to be cut cos of the waste. the SAF is like the PAP...a dragon being fed till its too big to take down...

Also for the defence of the nation..there are so many foreigners in the country with no health checks done for them. They can easily bring the country down from within..what good is the SAF than?

Also please note,,compare the reservist benefits given in singapore to those of other developed countries..their people are better fed, better taken off, got benefits etc that Singaporean reservist can only dream off.

For the kind of money SAF is spending we are surely not spending it right..even if we spend more we will still not be able to defend our country.

We need reforms now...if not spend more also no use.


Just look at this Tan Chuan Jin General, he is late 30s, a product of the singapore education system. Look at him during the GE, do u think he can lead men into war?? Even Goering was more effective than him. And he is just 1 general of the whole lot we have. Wat about the rest of the officer corp?

I have a feeling a lot of down-to-earth and grassroots type of work in the civil service is avoided. Instead, from career progression point of view, it's better to be writing policies, planning, etc, especially if can get into Admin Service. And because you're rewarded for writing and presenting (demonstrating your intellectual abilities), not so much for doing, people who progress rapidly may not have sufficient grounding, not enough operational experience.

In that sense, I share your concern whether our generals are capable of leading wars, or paper generals who are good at pushing papers, scoring at presentations to Ministers, etc. The civil service runs the risk of becoming very top heavy -- everybody planning/policy-making, very few people doing. In the long run, nobody knows how to do anymore.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
the way to go is for govt to be the sole insurer. Those insured also have to co-pay.

Medishield is already on a co-pay basis. Haven't you read your policy document?

So? What is it that you are trying to say?

Exactly what I'm saying, Medishield is already, or rather, has always been on a co-pay basis. The government is the basic insurer for the basic Class C plan. You can also choose to insure with approved private insurers if you prefer. To upgrade to B or A, you must choose from approved private insurers.

For example, I was hospitalized for a week and ended with a bill of S$5,000 gross. Subsidy reduced it to S$2,000 net. Medishield deductibe was set at S$1,500 and co-insurance (what you call co-pay) at 20%. Therefore, my claim on Medishield would be 80% of S$500, i.e. S$400. The balance of S$1,100 not subsidized and not insured would be payable through my Medisave or by cash. If I have another private medical insurance plan (not the same as approved private Shield plan), I could also claim the balance S$1,100 on it according to its terms. That's probably how KBW paid only S$8 cash for heart bypass.


I agree with the SDP proposal as a whole.

Interestingly, my political views are getting more and more aligned to SDP and further and further away from NSP. I don't know if that is a change in me or the two parties.

That's because SDP has moved away from Martin Luther King and has addressed teething issues like healthcare with finesse and increasing level of political maturity. The effort and the results are quite commendable, even if there are specific proposals or areas each of us would disagree with.

In short, SDP has increased its support base because more people now like its increasingly constructive and intelligent approach to politics.

Sorry, what's SDP healthcare plan? Anyway, people who benefitted more from society should give back more to society to help people who benefitted less.

All of you are a bunch of freaking socialists.....

SDP is unsustainable because it require cutting defense and raising defence ....

they are no different from that PHUA CHEE BYE in PAP CEC....

that PHUA CHEE BYE run a volunteer group so she has a vested interest in getting more $$$ from govt coffer like the SDP doctors who also want to raid the budget ....

if you want quality health care pay for it... better yet excercise more and dun smoke ... dun any how eat junk food ...

take responsibility for your own health...

take responsibility for your own lives ... buy your medical insurance when you are young and premium is low...

dun think of robbing and punishing the rich simply because they succeed....

if you wan subsidise healthcare make sure you pass you can pass your IPPT and dun smoke....

smokers, drinkers and fat people are not entitled to subsidies ...., on topp of that they have to pay more taxes...

these are people who should be punish not the higher income...


Alfrescian (Inf)
All of you are a bunch of freaking socialists.....

I'm a social capitalist. Social benefits and subsidies are not to protect the poor, but to protect the rich or at least middle class. That's why most politicians around the world, especially first world, themselves being rich or middle class, are willing to propose and vote in social benefits and subsidies.

Let me illustrate. You're a millionnaire living a suburbia bangalow. But you need to go to downtown for working or shopping etc., then what do you see there? Sick and homeless and panhandlers and even muggers lining the streets. What are you going to do? Shoot them all? Of course, you lobby your government to doing about it to make your city life or city trip more comfortable and safer. What's your government going to do about it?

Budget for it of course. Where's the budget going to come from? Tax more from the rich of course.
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