Maybe it is because life is actually better elsewhere than in Spore. For example the air quality of Edmonron in winter is 9 to 30 AQI. In Spore it hovers around 50 to 90+
Many of us have actually worked & stayed in these countries and we are telling people the true facts. I get disgusted when I see the media in Spore portray life in the west negatively. Our elites, their children, their cronies make regular visits there & probably already have home(s) in these countries. If it is so bad why do they do so?
Do not assume that all the people in this forum are living in Spore. I often wonder why they bother to do so because when I was living in Canada, I was too busy enjoying life

I rarely thought about Spore.
There are hundreds of thousands of Sporeans who have made the move and few ever return to Spore. It is actually very easy to meet up with the ex-Sporeans. When you meet with one overseas & they find out that you are a Sporean they are very helpful
When I was staying in Toronto my landlord was an ex-NUS graduate. He & his wife would visit Spore once a year but it was only to visit the parents. Same thing with an old schoolmate who is now living in Australia. My ex-boss in Spore has a sister who is now living in Alberta. Had a Spore neighbour who left Spore and is living in Burnaby BC. I have another friend who is now a Canadian & he sponsored his parents for a PR. His father was a retired teacher & he was bitter with the PAP.
My point is that it's no longer a secret that life in Spore is bad & getting worse. People are making plans to leave. I know so many people who have given up on Spore or rather given up on the PAP.
I was content to make Spore my hq while I went on my holidays in this region, but the recent price increases has reminded me to look for a second home elsewhere. If you are not working for the PAP & and really one of the "lesser mortal" , you'll probably wake up soon to the reality. If not enjoy yourself with the other millions & millions of of foreigners in Spore