Don't forget that the PAP will stop buying water from Malaysia from 2061. Sporeans have to pay $$$ because the PAP cannot agree to pay a fair price for the water from Malaysia.
I'm not surprised that the PAP cannot come to agreement with the Malaysians. I doubt that the Malaysian want to provide water for 10 million people. This is probably the target that the PAP is planning for.
Water tariffs increase 30% + additional S$0.10 diesel tax per litre = more costs in almost every trade and business operations. Should have also increased the GST to 10% for a more complete Budget 2017. PAP, you're the best in screwing those ungrateful Sinkies kao kao. I don't even need to lift a finger to do it myself.
All this good news when Spore is in a bad recession. Instead of reducing costs to make it easier for "lesser mortals" to eke out a living in expensive Spore. The PAP is determine to make life more difficult by making things even costlier in Spore.
Will the "lesser mortals" remember what the PAP is doing in the next GE![]()
If she doesn't wash your cars topless, she can squeeze the water from her wet clothes to wash your vegetables.![]()
If she doesn't wash your cars topless, she can squeeze the water from her wet clothes to wash your vegetables.![]()
Don't forget that the PAP will stop buying water from Malaysia from 2061. Sporeans have to pay $$$ because the PAP cannot agree to pay a fair price for the water from Malaysia.
I'm not surprised that the PAP cannot come to agreement with the Malaysians. I doubt that the Malaysian want to provide water for 10 million people. This is probably the target that the PAP is planning for.
Why not wash the car naked? The maid can have
her daily bath at the same time using the water and car shampoo from washing the car. If she is naked she will get wet and just put the soapy shampoo on herself. Lim Shit Say will Shitsay this is very productive. Then charge $20 for the passersby to see nude car washing.
30% is a lot! for every $100, now you have to pay $130.
I pay my water bill in oz $200 for every 3 months.
just do a comparison.
You are right. However, as the pap has absolute power, they can do anything and everything they wish without considering your welfare. Too bad.
I have an archive of Dr. M, release to the press years ago, on how much we are paying for the water in Johor in one of my external disks..have to search.
As usual, they will blame external factors for them to raise whatever they want without any oppositions. This could not come at a worse time, when many are still out of work. Electric & cooking gas tariff is going up, plus water tariff, commercial establishments at leat $15...cost of eating out with rise, coffee shops, food courts will slowly become unaffordable. I had mentioned, I was surprised that, a tank of cooking gas rose $4, I ordered one in November 2016, it was $28...February 2017 it was $32..gad company says...OIL PRICES HAD RISEN.
Another example....if no cooking at home, I buy regularly from a 'zi char' stall near me, fried rice for $3.50, it comes in the usual paper box & is filled to the brim. A month ago, the changed the paper box to a smaller plastic container for the same price. That means I get less for the same price; so I stopped buying zhi char...& even the "cai png" stall I had stopped....prices keep rising, citing raw materials rising. Now, with the coming rise in utilities prices...either we get a rise in prices or sale price remain the same....contents affordable can things get. The "sweeteners" they dish out is not enough to cover...
Anyway..why complain..I am not...just pointing out that we have to struggle each day & with a population aging rapidly....we all are heading for the crematorium faster thanks to the stupid voters & the PAP.
I travel often & see how much cheaper food is outside of Spore. Many countries subsidise the basics so that their citizens lifes are better e.g. in Malaysia the gov't subsidises petrol, sugar, rice, ... When you buy zhi car it is sometimes DIY where the customer is the one putting the food on the plate & not the stall owner, so they can get more while paying the same price
In Canada GST is not charged for food items that you get at the supermarket. They also do not charge GST for educational & childrens supplies. Canada has many pro family policies & that's why they don't have a shortage of babies. I know someone who emigrated there from Spore & he has 7 kids & 6 of them were born in CanadaWhile in Spore GST is charged on everything & couples here are not producing enough babies because life is difficult for parents.
The PAP gov't makes a tiny fortune from taxing Sporeans. We have to pay inflated prices for everything. Including the necessities like HDB housing, transport, electricity, water, medical care, .... Male citizens are expected to provide free labor which many call National Slavery, while the PAP call it a "Privilege"
Sporeans are not stupid & must know that they are getting a raw deal from the PAP. So I'm puzzled by how the PAP got 70% of the votes![]()
I travel often & see how much cheaper food is outside of Spore. Many countries subsidise the basics so that their citizens lifes are better e.g. in Malaysia the gov't subsidises petrol, sugar, rice, ... When you buy zhi car it is sometimes DIY where the customer is the one putting the food on the plate & not the stall owner, so they can get more while paying the same price
In Canada GST is not charged for food items that you get at the supermarket. They also do not charge GST for educational & childrens supplies. Canada has many pro family policies & that's why they don't have a shortage of babies. I know someone who emigrated there from Spore & he has 7 kids & 6 of them were born in CanadaWhile in Spore GST is charged on everything & couples here are not producing enough babies because life is difficult for parents.
The PAP gov't makes a tiny fortune from taxing Sporeans. We have to pay inflated prices for everything. Including the necessities like HDB housing, transport, electricity, water, medical care, .... Male citizens are expected to provide free labor which many call National Slavery, while the PAP call it a "Privilege"
Sporeans are not stupid & must know that they are getting a raw deal from the PAP. So I'm puzzled by how the PAP got 70% of the votes![]()
It's simple deduction.
The majority of Singaporeans are gullible and thoroughly brainwashed by the MSM & are not critical thinkers like you & many other like-minded members in this Forum.
Well done. More good years ahead. These minor increases aren't going to affect the upper and top echelons. That's why I'll always trust the PAP to do the job for me as per my signature.
In the name of The PAP we will always trust. Only ungrateful and betraying Sinkies will detest The PAP. I will always be grateful to The PAP for continuously screwing the Sinkies 24/7 without having me to even lift a finger myself.
My fear that they need to recoup the NSmen $100 vouchers x (>1million nsmen) is coming true.
The $100 can only pay for 3 months of the increase in water bill!
It does not make sense to have a budget surplus in an economic slowdown-these measure will make people spend less and lower economic activity/expansion(this forum is not appropriate to discuss Keynesian economics /monetarism et2) more so with the death of TPP and the emergence of Brexit/Trumpism .
You can throw monies at business to innovate/go digital/expand abroad but who is going to buy these good and services ?
When will we see a budget deficit? Close to 2021? (date of next elections)
So all these vouchers /subsidies basically comes from your own pocket!
In terms of cost those NS vouchers are peanuts. What we are all paying for are the desalination plants that have been built & are being built.
The 3rd desalination plant cost $217 million to build
Keppel Corp is building the 4th desalination plant is being built
It is strange that they were picked without a tender & the cost of construction was not released
They have also not revealed the true cost of running these desalination plantsThe running costs are very high, much higher than buying water from Malaysia. This LHL seems oblivious to the taxpayers $$$..$$ that he is wasting
All this good news when Spore is in a bad recession. Instead of reducing costs to make it easier for "lesser mortals" to eke out a living in expensive Spore. The PAP is determine to make life more difficult by making things even costlier in Spore.
Will the "lesser mortals" remember what the PAP is doing in the next GE![]()