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[YouTube] - African black guy voice breaks with emotion when he compares Singapore to his own African homeland


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I too am grateful to the Yanks for the peace, prosperity and stability they brought to the region post WW2. The international institutions they created benefited many beyond themselves.

What has China done for the world? Or what will China do TO the world? America promised Utopia, but China guarantees dystopia.

I have no idea what the chinks will do but nothing good ever comes out of china so I am not too optimistic myself.


Perhaps they didn't think that far, but they have embraced their cost advantage and exploited the WTO to cheat on trade etc and are determined to usurp the current world order with Chinese Dominion.

I for one will never want to live in a world dominated by the philosophies of the CCP. George Orwell warned us about them. V FOR VANDETTA illustrated it. I rue the day when the social credit system becomes the norm globally. That will never happen under America and is all but guaranteed under China.
no disagreement from me.



I am happy for the peasants. But please don't impose that ideology on me, where we live to work (for the State) then to die. That facist thinking serves only to enrich the Masters at the top.

We are not economic digits to be manipulated for the glory of the State.
actually I would propose that no matter which system you live under, you end up working for the state and then die. It's only a matter of the degree, how obvious and strict those rules are whilst working for the state.

I also think that all states think of population as digits. As before, it's only a matter of how disastrous a degree they do so and how much of the riches they return to serfs.


actually I would propose that no matter which system you live under, you end up working for the state and then die. It's only a matter of the degree, how obvious and strict those rules are whilst working for the state.

I also think that all states think of population as digits. As before, it's only a matter of how disastrous a degree they do so and how much of the riches they return to serfs.

It's the freedom to live between work and death that makes all the difference between Utopia and dystopia. The devil's in the details and the question of degree is the paramount one.

The illusion of freedom keeps The Matrix functioning. Take away the illusion and you have Neo, Trinity and Morpheus knocking on your door. Morpheus must have been giving out red pills in Hong Kong like candy.

And guess what... Neo is back!


It's the freedom to live between work and death that makes all the difference between Utopia and dystopia. The devil's in the details and the question of degree is the paramount one.

The illusion of freedom keeps The Matrix functioning. Take away the illusion and you have Neo, Trinity and Morpheus knocking on your door. Morpheus must have been giving out red pills in Hong Kong like candy.

And guess what... Neo is back!
yah... it's a question of degree. :thumbsup:

yah! I heard! want to see what's in store this time.

old trilogy kept me thinking for years.


Alfrescian (Inf)
not just niggers running and ruining cuntries in africa, wherever they are in huge numbers even cities in the u.s. have becum shitholes. for sexample, oakland is a major city within so called super high tech and super wealthy bay area yet she is the most crime-ridden, dirtiest, and ugliest shithole ever for a city of more than 696k residents. no amount of 1st world education, environment, enhancement and entitlement can undo the embedded nigger disposition and propensity for being irresponsible, trashy, inconsiderate, violent, criminal, lazy, and stupid. their nature simply overwhelms any nurture invested in them.






Alfrescian (Inf)
not just niggers running and ruining cuntries in africa, wherever they are in huge numbers even cities in the u.s. have becum shitholes. for sexample, oakland is a major city within so called super high tech and super wealthy bay area yet she is the most crime-ridden, dirtiest, and ugliest shithole ever for a city of more than 696k residents. no amount of 1st world education, environment, enhancement and entitlement can undo the embedded nigger disposition and propensity for being irresponsible, trashy, inconsiderate, violent, criminal, lazy, and stupid. their nature simply overwhelms any nurture invested in them.

I would blame it on the libtards, including the white people. Any city with a Democrat mayor inevitably turns into a shithole. Why? Squandering public money on stupid shit, refusing to go after real crimes to avoid 'hurting feelings', accommodating illegal immigrants.

Portland is a good example.



Alfrescian (Inf)
This Orlang and Nas Daily are what the chinese call them suaku which means mountain tortoise. Never see big snake peeing.
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PAP has to be a special kind of daft to try and import more Africans today.

The flavor of the month was Tiongs for many years. Then they moved to Ah Nehs.

And now Africans?

What gives?


Is it that PAP has a fetish for seeing their mother daughter sister and aunt's CB's stretched thin by the reputed big thick dong of the African man?