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[YouTube] - African black guy voice breaks with emotion when he compares Singapore to his own African homeland


Anyone who think Spore is so good should show example. Take a Spore passport & NRIC. And live in Spore. Then we can talk.


Most foreigners, including the so called experts, have no clue on the realities of the programs here. They take the PAP's version wholesale and give it a thumbs up. A good analyst would look at the critics as well ...unfortunately, there are no critics to be found, mainly because peesai is so irrelevant globally.
It just works, that's why no critic what. How can be not work and have no critics? Don't you all have oppies in parliament? :thumbsdown:


actually it's true. it's a global phenomenon. everywhere in the world, working harder getting poorer. :frown:

but hoffy, c'mon lah, it's not the chinese workers fault solely. there are a few more factors in play. namely american corporate greed, consumer want cheap want fresh, etc... the poor work his ass of for peanuts chinese worker is only the channel by which this is happening. America can easily counter China's rise.

Get rid of the unions run by for-profit union gangsters and focus on improving product.

Cheap workers are a bane upon the modern markets. Cheap workers exists because of the exploitation by companies. Companies exploit workers through the laws of the country.

Currently China is the biggest source of cheap labour and their economic policies exploit this at the cost of workers everywhere else.

At one point, unions were the defenders of the workers


Singapore after 1965

booms town CharLee under our ah gong

but now, Sink-a-por under ah gong dishonorable son

is beginning to sink

that is why Sink-a-por needs to spends billions to reclaim our land

need to spend billions or import millions...


Cheap workers are a bane upon the modern markets. Cheap workers exists because of the exploitation by companies. Companies exploit workers through the laws of the country.

yup! but my version of what you said is that cheap workers exist and are exploited by companies because the laws of the country allow it and their leaders implicitly encourage it. companies alone cannot do it without political backing.

Currently China is the biggest source of cheap labour and their economic policies exploit this at the cost of workers everywhere else.

yah, I guess you're rite, but I don't think they were thinking that far ahead. the politicos thinking of their fat bribes and their workers just desperate to feed themselves.

At one point, unions were the defenders of the workers

no disagreement here, but I would emphasize "at one point". That point was quite short-lived. As with most things when in position of unchecked power with money flowing freely, corruption sets in. That is the danger of communism and to a lesser extent socialism.

but modern day unions no longer defender of the worker. First and foremost to line pockets of union leadership, 2nd to manipulate workers in ways deemed desirable by "special interest groups". It is no surprise that a good number of big city unions in North America are literally run by gangs who manipulate the worker in exchange for a good handout by a vested interest. Corruption at it's finest and most sublime. That's who's keeping the workers poor.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Cheap workers are a bane upon the modern markets. Cheap workers exists because of the exploitation by companies. Companies exploit workers through the laws of the country.

Currently China is the biggest source of cheap labour and their economic policies exploit this at the cost of workers everywhere else.

At one point, unions were the defenders of the workers

It's far better to be a cheap worker than to be unemployed.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
And it's far better to eat Cake than Bread. 1789.

I was a cheap worker for the yanks from 1977 to 1986. I earned a measly $950 pm doing the same job that my counterparts in America were being paid 5x what I earned.

It is thanks to the yanks that I am retired today.

Had that cheap labour job not been made available to me I would have been unemployed or severely under employed.


yup! but my version of what you said is that cheap workers exist and are exploited by companies because the laws of the country allow it and their leaders implicitly encourage it. companies alone cannot do it without political backing.

yah, I guess you're rite, but I don't think they were thinking that far ahead. the politicos thinking of their fat bribes and their workers just desperate to feed themselves.

Perhaps they didn't think that far, but they have embraced their cost advantage and exploited the WTO to cheat on trade etc and are determined to usurp the current world order with Chinese Dominion.

I for one will never want to live in a world dominated by the philosophies of the CCP. George Orwell warned us about them. V FOR VANDETTA illustrated it. I rue the day when the social credit system becomes the norm globally. That will never happen under America and is all but guaranteed under China.


I was a cheap worker for the yanks from 1977 to 1986. I earned a measly $950 pm doing the same job that my counterparts in America were being paid 5x what I earned.

It is thanks to the yanks that I am retired today.

Had that cheap labour job not been made available to me I would have been unemployed or severely under employed.

Please......... If u were earning $950 in Singapore during that period, u were well remunerated. Probably even higher pay than an officer in the SAF.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Please......... If u were earning $950 in Singapore during that period, u were well remunerated. Probably even higher pay than an officer in the SAF.

My point exactly. What is termed as cheap labor is considered to be good money by the person being paid.

"Cheap" labor in China lifted 600 million peasants out of poverty in the last 20 years.


My point exactly. What is termed as cheap labor is considered to be good money by the person being paid.

"Cheap" labor in China lifted 600 million peasants out of poverty in the last 20 years.

I am happy for the peasants. But please don't impose that ideology on me, where we live to work (for the State) then to die. That facist thinking serves only to enrich the Masters at the top.

We are not economic digits to be manipulated for the glory of the State.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I am happy for the peasants. But please don't impose that ideology on me, where we live to work (for the State) then to die. That facist thinking serves only to enrich the Masters at the top.

We are not economic digits to be manipulated for the glory of the State.

Of course you don't devote your whole life to being a digit. What you need to do is to learn from the experience and then move on and up the pecking order.

The yanks taught me what I needed to know to get ahead in life. They paid me shit by their standards but they provided me with great opportunities for which I am forever grateful.


Get rid of the unions run by for-profit union gangsters and focus on improving product.

Unions have already lost much clout.


As union membership has fallen over the last few decades, the share of income going to the top 10 percent has steadily increased. Union membership fell to 11.1 percent in 2014, where it remained in 2015 (not shown in the figure). The share of income going to the top 10 percent, meanwhile, hit 47.2 percent in 2014—only slightly lower than 47.8 percent in 2012, the highest it has been since 1917 (the earliest year data are available). When union membership was at its peak (33.4 percent in 1945) the share of income going to the top 10 percent was only 32.6 percent.


Of course you don't devote your whole life to being a digit. What you need to do is to learn from the experience and then move on and up the pecking order.

The yanks taught me what I needed to know to get ahead in life. They paid me shit by their standards but they provided me with great opportunities for which I am forever grateful.

I too am grateful to the Yanks for the peace, prosperity and stability they brought to the region post WW2. The international institutions they created benefited many beyond themselves.

What has China done for the world? Or what will China do TO the world? America promised Utopia, but China guarantees dystopia.