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[YouTube] - African black guy voice breaks with emotion when he compares Singapore to his own African homeland


This negro made this video 1 day after arrival bet he not heard of CPF and minimum retirement fund and age you can get CPF back
er... you guys never kena negro gahmen b4, make pappie look like angels. have to bribe teachers to teach kids and pay ransom to polis when they kidnap family!


Blackie lanjiao haven't met sinkie bitch.

sinkie bitch is damn jialat. african bitch is also damn jialat! can eat, lao sai! :roflmao:


You see, once your PM signal to world he rewards sycophants, people like Nas and this nigger will flock to brown nose the pink one for goodies. How do you think all the plps comment on his Facebook come about? :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Because niggers just aren't very smart. That's a fact.

If the IQ is below a certain threshold, people live like animals. No progress.



Alfrescian (Inf)
african countries should not only have asked british imperialists to colonize their shitholes 169 years ago but also to continue governing them. the corner of africa that is the most developed is cape town. yet, when south african niggers take over power to govern modern cities that were left to them by angmohs, these low iq niggers turn them into shitholes. they have the minus (not midas) touch. one touch and everything turns minus and a pile of shit.

before niggers are in charge.


after niggers are in charge.

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He thought Singapore is like a heaven but didn't that Sinkies work like hell and still very poor. This orlang is very naive.

Americans are also working like hell and still poor too. It's a modern phenomenon.

In American Factory on Netflix, you can watch the plight of the American worker.


This sad state of the working poor is caused by China, specifically Chinese workers spoiling the global market. Chinks are a plague upon the planet. It would be best for China to be relocated to another planet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This negro made this video 1 day after arrival bet he not heard of CPF and minimum retirement fund and age you can get CPF back

Most foreigners, including the so called experts, have no clue on the realities of the programs here. They take the PAP's version wholesale and give it a thumbs up. A good analyst would look at the critics as well ...unfortunately, there are no critics to be found, mainly because peesai is so irrelevant globally.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Americans are also working like hell and still poor too. It's a modern phenomenon.

In American Factory on Netflix, you can watch the plight of the American worker.


This sad state of the working poor is caused by China, specifically Chinese workers spoiling the global market. Chinks are a plague upon the planet. It would be best for China to be relocated to another planet.

Don't blame the Ah Tiongs. It is capitalism that is the problem. To win in a capitalist society, you need to be singularly focus on maximizing profits and not look at distractions like your workers' welfare, impact on environment and society. In this regard, China is subscribing to capitalism. Because Chinese are willing to work for less, Americans are losing out. If Americans believe in capitalism, then they need to accept realities of competition.


The Answer is quite simple actually ...

IQ and Race.

There is no progressive low IQ countries in the world. In denial will lead you to nowhere.



He thought Singapore is like a heaven but didn't that Sinkies work like hell and still very poor. This orlang is very naive.
Americans are also working like hell and still poor too. It's a modern phenomenon.

In American Factory on Netflix, you can watch the plight of the American worker.


This sad state of the working poor is caused by China, specifically Chinese workers spoiling the global market. Chinks are a plague upon the planet. It would be best for China to be relocated to another planet.

actually it's true. it's a global phenomenon. everywhere in the world, working harder getting poorer. :frown:

but hoffy, c'mon lah, it's not the chinese workers fault solely. there are a few more factors in play. namely american corporate greed, consumer want cheap want fresh, etc... the poor work his ass of for peanuts chinese worker is only the channel by which this is happening. America can easily counter China's rise.

Get rid of the unions run by for-profit union gangsters and focus on improving product.


Don't blame the Ah Tiongs. It is capitalism that is the problem. To win in a capitalist society, you need to be singularly focus on maximizing profits and not look at distractions like your workers' welfare, impact on environment and society. In this regard, China is subscribing to capitalism. Because Chinese are willing to work for less, Americans are losing out. If Americans believe in capitalism, then they need to accept realities of competition.
no. it's socialism and communism that have created the underclass you speak of. a lot of the workers welfare unions, environmental groups are for-profit concerns. They exist as parasites of workers and benefit them only after they take their cut. Try to see how unionized workers live and work before you jump to conclusions based on propaganda.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
What this guy is saying is that we Africans are such an inferior race that we cannot help but make a mess of things no matter where we are.


Singapore after 1965

booms town CharLee under our ah gong

but now, Sink-a-por under ah gong dishonorable son

is beginning to sink

that is why Sink-a-por needs to spends billions to reclaim our land