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Tiu Kwang Yew

hello sinkapore,
Coffeeshops talk about Water Issue with Malaysia are robust, we piece them together only those main points for your read. Like it, pls spread around.
this is their stories............

try reading Dr Mahatir message, he could be telling Sinkapore 1000 gallons at 3 sens in the modern world is a bit too low notwithstanding the water agreement, ancient or old, may be give some space to discuss, , can or not? Johor water is running low either.
of course, if we keep talking abt agreement and who is right or wrong morally, there would be no friends to talk about, no end to it , only begets hatred { u lose your right to talk}.

sinkaporeans . why water is selling cheap to sinkapore has its history right, makes life better for sinkaporeans becos the island got little water right or wrong?
but people are asking: " look at your water bills, cheap for you when sinkapore buying cheap from malaysia?"
we talk about enough water so many moons ago, are we sustainable in reality?

we talk abt number 1 airport , wow, the Changi jewel, green city, build HDB flats like nobody business, increase population........my friends, if we are robustly water sustainable....then why not end this water agreement, end this troublesome issue so people will stop saying sinkapore is exploiting the agreement?
if sinkapore until now still water not enough, then Dr Mahatir could be right..... if water no enough, economy cannot boom right or wrong?
People think sinkaporeans cannot decide whether water agreement is morally right or wrong.
going into armfight with malaysia will only bring sinkapore back 100 years and may not recover at all despite the hitech machineries, malaysia got land, got braver and fierce people, got time to play with you.

sometimes, give and take with neighbors will see tiny sinkapore so=called prosperous longer a bit more. Face is not lost right?
those who come to roost are for the big sin dollars , those who are having lavish life embrace the symbiotic relationship, who cares who is the king right?
think about it, flowers dont bloom forever, one day the sinkapore bloom will also wither.
many think Dr Mahatir as a Premier of Malaysia, he is speaking up for his people and country. He too has his country
interests at hand. Malaysia is a big country, their people will not go hungry.

sinkaporeans still a long way to enlightenment, in other words ....wake up.
Many believe Sinkaporeans should be more worried now about the living costs and tangible retirement funds be they pioneer or mederka. right ?
thank you , hope u like the coffeeshops stories.

god bless you and sinkapore.


Tiu Kwang Yew

Hi Sinkaporeans,
Missing points forget to piece in.
People are thinking why WP MPs did not ask in parliament abt water issue?
One, is Sinkapore water sufficient this day when we talk about sinkapore is not done building Sinkapore?
What is the paramount priority when comes to augmenting population?

Another thing, is buying cheap water for so many benefitting Sinkaporeans?

People saying WP MPs happily listening to longwinding foreign fairy tales that are irrelevant to water issue in the parliament.

If we tell people they lose rights to talk, then start talking about friendship is not a red herring?

Hope u like their stories.
WP MPs broach the actual subject.


Alfrescian (Inf)
MIW suka suka change their rule too. Age 55 can withdraw our CPF money. Now change the rule and said only age 65 can have our money. But wait hor...not full sum but bit by bit until u kick the bucket. No option given to us at all. Force us to accept their rule/policy. U tell me lah morally right or wrong???:poop:

Man in the streets

Well said.Good stories from commoners.
There is no need to be patriotic abt this water issue.Water selling to Singapore must have a goodwill purpose in the past .Yes, the agreement was signed but the world has changed, this goodwill contract can put on the table to discuss once more on price.
Afterall, singapore govt has been earning huge profit from Singaporeans.Just water borne fees itself, is a monthly payment affair not to mention the penalty imposed on certain amount of water usage . Those with bigger families would pay more.Then what about the water sold at the port.
Dr Mahatir should work with China on the ECRL, and build up Melaka harbor sooner to get richer.
Singaporeans should not be carried away by the water issue, who is earning the big money?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mahathir: Not just about respecting sanctity of agreements


The dispute over the 1962 Singapore-Johor Water Agreement is neither just about who is richer or poorer nor just about respecting the sanctity of agreements. It is simply about Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the abysmal intelligence fed to Istana before he returned to power last year and the post-LKY era generation of Singaporean leaders’ incompetence and inability to deal with him in a way that is productive, smart and realistic.

Let’s put it like this: Is he more difficult to deal with him than Abdullah Badawi, Najib Razak (the previous two Malaysian leaders) or, if all things go well, the Prime Minister-designate Anwar Ibrahim? Of course. Mahathir has been around for a long time. Abdullah and Najib had no known baggage with Singapore. Unlike Mahathir, they never tangled with Lee Kuan Yew when Singapore was part of Malaysia and were not seen as any kind of bumiputra ultras who were antagonistic towards the late Singapore Prime Minister and his Malaysian Malaysia anti-affirmative action policies or towards Singapore itself. The reformist Anwar and his progressive Parti Keadilan Rakyat should also not be a problem. But Mahathir has a history with LKY. No secret.

So we now have a situation where Singapore’s 3G and 4G leaders find themselves stuck with a 2G Malaysian leader who is almost 1G (he was a Federal MP in 1964!) and having to react to all the unexpected old issues, made worse by decisions arrived at during the Najib period when they were totally lulled by over-confidence about the status quo. They never quite expected Mahathir to return to the helm in Putrajaya to haunt them again. Or that he might well have been a reformist in the Malaysian context but not necessarily in inter-Causeway relations.

To add to our 4G’s problems, Mahathir personally has never been an easy politician to deal with in the first place, even for his own political colleagues in Malaysia. The first Malaysian PM Tengku Abdul Rahman, whom Mahathir criticised for failing to uphold Malay interests, found him a handful. He had many battles within UMNO with a host of leaders like Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and even Musa Hitam, an erstwhile Deputy PM and ally turned rival. Then there was Anwar whom he sacked and has since reconciled with. Mahathir also had been fighting to curb the Malaysian monarchy’s powers.

I think Singapore’s current set of leaders have been caught napping big time a couple of times the last three years. They were caught by Brexit and Donald Trump’s entry into the White House which led to the death of the original Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement. All the hard work for the abortive trade pact which was unscrambled in a few days. At the same time, they did not realise that Beijing was displeased enough by our pro-free passage stand over the South China Sea to seize and hold the Terrez carriers for months in Hong Kong. So much for special relationships.

Mahathir’s dramatic re-emergence must also have been ruled out by poor intelligence feedback around election time or in the leadup to the huge Bersih rallies. The mainstream media too were doing politically correct stories that did not capture the real situation. What does one expect these days when you send scholar wannabes who are reluctant to roll up their sleeves, dirty their designer shoes and pursue the truth slogging through the kampongs of Permatang Pauh, Gua Musang and Iskandar Puteri? With so much focus on countries far away in East Asia, never our hinterland, they have neglected our backyard and given the impression to locals that we can leap over the neighbourhood and find our destiny elsewhere. Once again, I ask: How many of the 4G leaders can speak fluent Bahasa?

Live with Mahathir. Deal with him. He is not going away. He is, in fact, laying down the ground for his younger leaders on how to interact with Singapore’s younger leaders.

I see advantage in having him around. He is obviously testing the likes of Heng Swee Keat and Vivian Balakrishnan. Younger Malaysian leaders mentored by him will carry on his legacy in inter-Causeway relations.

In trying to cope with him, the 4G leaders can learn a lot. They will, I hope, develop their own updated template which will be more pragmatic, more forward-looking and more suited to the changes that have taken place since Mahathir’s first premiership.

The best thing Vivian Balakrishnan and the Foreign Ministry can do is: Stop whining and work harder.



I think SG government has given a favourable treatment, but it is Malaysia government turning around to bite their own people for more profit.


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Mudlesia turn water off, Pinky, Ho and all their Cronies with their millions and billions will take the first flight out for good.


I think SG government has given a favourable treatment, but it is Malaysia government turning around to bite their own people for more profit.

Malaysia first defence white paper released.

Gradually, Malaysia should build up its military, then whack stinkypore until gao gao.

summore, got indonesia building up its military to work with ozzies and face off against tiongs.

what off stinkies?

pee-sai can't tahan one single nuclear strike, with pakis already nuclear, iran already nuclear but not publicly tested, turkey erdogan expressing his wish to do so, expect indonesia maybe in next 10 or 15 years to start nuclear reactor.

right now, indonesia got work with gooks on kf-x /if-x 4.5 gen fighter jet.

then build up military, same goes for viets, pinoys, and other asean japs gooks ozzies and importantly yankees

all surrounded tiongs.

stinky will feel the heat as all asean neighbours gear up for whacking stinky until tak tahan