The f#*king Gold Olympic Order title and gold medal on pinky's neck just costs us $385,000,000.00.
Yes this is YOG spending in perspective.
Spent taxpayers money and get a GOLDEN chain for himself!!
Well I think the Prime Minister would not ask for that GOLD chain but someone wants to bootlick did that... However, I really wonder why contestants who come in as champion will not get any GOLD medals but they actually have the cheeks to make this GOLD Chain for the PM for bootlicking purpose? Shake head.
Goh Meng Seng
... However, I really wonder why contestants who come in as champion will not get any GOLD medals but they actually have the cheeks to make this GOLD Chain for the PM for bootlicking purpose? Shake head.
Goh Meng Seng
When a rich man decides to throw a lavish party, does it have to benefit the servants?
Serving a ridiculously cheap meals to them while the rich enjoy sumptious buffet spread is the ultimate insult.
Money spent to get the rights to host the games
Money spent to get Moscow to 'lose' the bid??
Money spent to entertain those officials for letting us host the games (in return for a flag and gold chain)
I believe that would most likely be where the bulk of money goes... Thus the gross mis-calculation. Cos by the time the bill for the necessary items like re-furbish lodgings and all the logistics aspect, then MCYS realised they forecast too low.
Though I agreed that nothing new is built for this event, the most its just refurbish to make it look newer. Since all the venues used existing facilities.
Doubt anyone will dare to raise this in Parliament...
If the rich man use the servants' earnings (tax is actually part of earnings of servants) to throw a lavish party, it should at least have some benefits for the servants right ?
The servants should be honoured that they have contributed to their master, that is enough reward.
Alamak ! Do pastors give tithe ?![]()
The answer to your question is yes.
The $387,000,000 price tag smells a fish. How is the money spend?