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Yang tio summons in UK liao


Alfrescian (Inf)
The best is yet to be, when they seek to enforce whatever judgement in the UK.
I hope Shan and Vivian can be summoned to UK ro be questioned by LHY lawyers there and asked about the original documents obtained via discovery process.
Not a single document was presented in parliamnet but all sorts of charts


The best is yet to be, when they seek to enforce whatever judgement in the UK.
I hope Shan and Vivian can be summoned to UK ro be questioned by LHY lawyers there and asked about the original documents obtained via discovery process.
Not a single document was presented in parliamnet but all sorts of charts
The Singapore Courts have already accepted the Mamba's application to have the case heard in Singapore. You can't have two different courts in the same jurisdiction trying the same case, let alone two different courts in two different jurisdictions. UK will not be involved, period.

If Yang found the balls to challenge, he should engage a KC to fight the case in Singapore. And you will get to see the documents that you want to see.

Sylvia Lim has her PC parked with Peter Low Chambers LLC. She can take up the case. She can continue the Ridout saga from where she left off in Parliament. She can be supported by the Dean of Law Faculty of University of Hongkong, who is a Consultant lawyer @ PL.
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