What wrangle? From what I understand, WP said that they were running in these 3 constituencies, and anyone else is free to contest. That doesn't sound like a wrangle to me.
NSP should come PasirRisPunggol to replace SDA.
Why the other parties give face to SDA is beyond me.
Big fat joke.
Maybe SBF should field a team of independent candidates. Sam Leong take the lead, Big Sexy, Raiders and Froggy flank left, right and centre. GoldenDragon take centre back.
While it is understandable that NSP would not want to give up its best scoring constituency, WP doesn't look much at 43% because even many of their B and C teams got 41% at least.
Also, the 43% came about because there happened to be a Tin Pei Ling who tripped herself and a Nicole Seah with a Public Relations mother. But time changes things. Because of low expectations with Tin, she is now seen to be a good MP just by working hard. You know, the Stockholm Syndrome. As for Nicole, she had revealed to be rather vulgar, erratic and fickle about her political convictions. If Nicole returns to Macpherson, whether she wins or not, her results will surprisingly not outdo many of WP's results or even SDP's results.
NSP won't be able to repeat such a feat even if it returns to Marine Parade. They will be punished by the voters for losing Nicole and get about 39% to 40% at the most.
This is what the WP is really about
Arrogant Gangster Low thia Khiang want to reap the reward of hardwork put in by the NSP!
Maybe SBF should field a team of independent candidates. Sam Leong take the lead, Big Sexy, Raiders and Froggy flank left, right and centre. GoldenDragon take centre back.
Thanks...but I'm now the divisional director for pap ib :o
The problem with these opportunistic Opposition clowns is that they only show up during election time and expect to just reap the rewards. Big fat joke.
The problem with these opportunistic Opposition clowns is that they only show up during election time and expect to just reap the rewards. Big fat joke.
Maybe SBF should field a team of independent candidates. Sam Leong take the lead, Big Sexy, Raiders and Froggy flank left, right and centre. GoldenDragon take centre back.