Why everyone so scare of 3 corner or multi corner fights?
Is it really to pap's advantage? (Refer to PE by elections).
Everyone talk about democracy. Multi corner fights are as democratic as they come....how can one party ask another to back down? That's anti democracy machiam vile pap. Other countries got 10 corner fights even....that's democracy.
If any oppo lost because of MCF then the dumbfuck voters only got themselves to blame....dun blame the opposition.
I can tell you that the opposition, especially those weak few-member parties, are not afraid of PAP winning. "Let's not let PAP win, so avoid MCF", that is just an excuse. PAP has been winning and life goes on. They are concerned of losing their $16K in a MCF. That's a lot of money to them. Some candidates borrow money to contest.
And whatever talk of opposition unity....that's bullshit.....different parties with different ideology how to unite? And dun discount the stooge parties there to disturb. There will never be unity unless someone can form an alliance like PKR in Malaysia and go contest under single banner. SDA tried but failed because no major opposition parties were in it. So it's not opposition unity that's need but VOTERS UNITY.
As if apathy isn't big enough a problem, even Singaporeans who are politically aware are under alot of misimpression.
Firstly, there is no unity in the world that unites the whole opposition. In Malaysia, even the 3 main parties are only a small number compared to the more-than-40 opposition parties, like the Parti Rakyat, Parti Cinta, Sarawak Workers Party etc. Why don't they all unite so that BN will be out? Because the 3 parties know these 40 parties don't make much difference to the results.
Secondly, people say there are a lot of parties in Singapore. Wrong. In UK, 100 parties contested the election and they are still unable to remove the Conservatives. In India, 500 parties including the regional ones.
Thirdly, people say Singapore parliament has a lot of seats for a small country. Yes and no. Compare to UK which has 650 seats and Malaysia which has 230, 89 may seem like alot, but these countries have state assemblies and local municipal councils which also have seats for election.
Hence some people live under misimpression and continue to hope for only one party to contest PAP. Their hope will never happen. Singapore politics will mature only if we reach a stage when PAP can lose no many how many MCF there are. Then the opposition won't be held ransom by some of these new, small and suspicious parties.