Under Sinkapore Confucius society, please respect the scholars and ministers ok. Higher class people.
Under Sinkapore Confucius society, please respect the scholars and ministers ok. Higher class people.
OMG so what is the problem when this is his own money? Should people dictate how ministers uses their own money now?? Damn boliao!
Stupid sinkies, not happy then go out and protest and throw out the PAP govt lah..
fucking hell go and check out what bags their wives possess?
just like those ball-less coward shit who got no balls to control someone who bully them, then go behind his back and gossip about him.
that is why i stay away from low life shit ass sinkies.
aiyah, people have money let them enjoy their money la.
like that oso complain
if the wife carry a pasar malam handbag oso sure kena complaint
no end !
complaint about other things la .. about how they never care for the elders, cpf etc..
Mrs Marcos got 1000+ pairs of shoes... Sinkie politician wives cannot lose face!
It isn't a secret that the Ministars are rich right?
Everyone knows how much they make so that handbag is actually chicken feet to them.
obviously a guy who have a salary of million dollar can afford to give his wife some good stuff. What is the fuss about?