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World most uniquely powerful BDS-3 Navigation Satellite launched successfully today - GeoStationary Orbit! GVGT!

Tony Tan


2018-11-02 01:31:53 来源: 新华网




China successfully launched the first geostationary orbit satellite of the Beidou No.3 system
2018-11-02 01:31:53 Source: Xinhuanet

Pay attention to Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Xichang, November 1 (Li Guoli, Yang Xin) At 23:57 on November 1, China successfully launched the 17th Beidou 3 global networking satellite with the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

This satellite belongs to the geostationary orbit satellite and is the 41st Beidou navigation satellite and the first geostationary orbit satellite of the Beidou-3 system.

"This satellite will provide short message service (RDSS) and satellite based enhanced service (SBAS) in addition to basic navigation services (RNSS)," said Yang Changfeng, chief designer of Beidou satellite navigation system.

Yang Changfeng said that the short message service is based on the full compatibility of the Beidou II short message service, the capacity is increased by 10 times, the user machine transmission power is reduced by 10 times, and the capability is greatly improved. “In addition, the satellite will also provide satellite-based enhancement services to provide higher-precision, higher-precision navigation services in accordance with international civil aviation standards.”

At 16:29 on October 31, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake occurred in Xichang City, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, and the epicenter was only 50 kilometers away. At the time, the launch site was carrying out a conventional oxidant fill of the rocket. Li Benqi, deputy director of Xichang Satellite Launch Center Planning Department said: "After the earthquake, the central scientific and technical personnel immediately organized the inspection of the state of each system equipment, and continued to complete the conventional oxidant injection of the rocket after confirmation."

According to reports, the satellite successfully entered the scheduled orbit, and will be tested and tested in the future, and will be networked with the 16 Beidou-3 navigation satellites previously launched to provide timely services.

The Beidou satellite navigation system is a self-developed and independently operated global satellite navigation system that is being implemented in China. It can provide users with high-precision, high-reliability positioning, speed measurement, and timing service, and has unique short message communication capabilities.

"According to the plan, two medium-Earth orbit satellites will be launched before the end of this year." Yang Changfeng said that by then, China Beidou will build a basic system and begin to serve users in countries and regions along the Belt and Road.

The Beidou navigation satellite and supporting carrier rocket launched this time were jointly developed by the China Academy of Space Technology and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology affiliated to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

This is the 290th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles.

Tony Tan

The biggest trade-off of US GPS & most others, is they use MEO (medium earth orbit) to stay nearer to earth surface, so that their weak signals can be received with less difficulty, and hence the devices receiving them need only a tiny antenna. The antennas are just few mm sizes these days inside smart phones. But trade-off is the MEO orbits satellites moves 14,000km/h non-stop and they will appear from one horizon and vanish within 3-4 mins at other side horizon. And they will need a huge fleet of satellites to cover globally. Plus the moving satellites are not good for accurate calculation of positions.

Geostationary orbit is 35,786 km away from earth and moves as same angular speed of earth's self rotation, hence it appears permanently FIXED in sky, it needs stronger signal power to be received by tiny antennas, but it is accurate, and it is ALWAYS above and available to a selected zone of users.

This 1st Geostationary BDS is stationary to serve China & all the countries longitude not too far from China. Hence Pee Sai can receive.

If you use a GPS TEST type app can see it up directly above our head and does not move.

Example app screen but old screen captured, no showing this latest satellite, if the handset is not capable of BDS and only capable of GPS you will not see the BDS satellites.

Tony Tan


Can see it already the center green + marked 03 is Xijinping's latest BDS-3 satellite in Geostationary Orbit.

It is see at almost directly above our head, slightly towards East as I guess it align Eastern China. It is green meaning SNR (signal noise ratio) is excellent. It had been seen stationary there so it is no one else but the world's only Geostationary Orbit navigation satellite. All the others (marked by numbers) will move across sky and disappear within a few mins.


bds-3 for bdsm threesome? watch your head. will fall out of the sky in 69 days.

Chow Ang Moh got a shitless shock after their naive and complacency skepticism against Chinese technological advancement proven by HARD TRUTH REALITY.

In 2017 they said Chinese submarine new technologies not real:

Now they found out that even this is quite outdated and PLA MHD submarine with ZERO MOVING PARTS are coming.



I actually also believe PLA has Active Acoustic Cancellation system and Active Acoustic Deception Systems.

The 1st is basically this and embedded in submarine hull and done in water instead of air, same principle.

It has sensors near the water to listen to every sound emitted by submarine into the water.

Then it inverts and emits identical but opposite phased sounds that would in summery cancel all the emission in the water, so that nothing is actually transmitted into water. There is yet another group of sensors say 50cm further from the hull in the water on bracket arms to measure again and double check the result of cancellation, if it still detects some sound transmitted, the DSP software will recalculate according to it's feedback and tune the cancellation signal until perfect.

The 2nd is a deception system, used during peace time and exercise and war game and troll plowing into Dotard Navy's war games areas.

Basically to deliberately generate false mechanical noises sounding realistic. This is for Dotard Navy to pickup and record and register in their anti-submarine acoustic signature databases. That Dotard navy anti-sub ships and planes & torpedoes are loaded with these corrupted false databases as TYPE XXX PLA Submarines acoustic signature. 以假乱真=欺敌

In the war time, the PLA will turn off the deception noise, and Dotard Nave is confused that they cannot fucking find any PLA sub any more. Further, these fake signature noise are then at war time deliberately emitted by DECOYS, to lead the Dotard Navy to waste time and resources, hunting and bombing and shooting missiles and torpedoes to hit some cheap worthless decoys and exposed themselves while doing so - and got killed by PLA submarines silently.


I actually also believe PLA has Active Acoustic Cancellation system and Active Acoustic Deception Systems.

The 1st is basically this and embedded in submarine hull and done in water instead of air, same principle.

It has sensors near the water to listen to every sound emitted by submarine into the water.

Then it inverts and emits identical but opposite phased sounds that would in summery cancel all the emission in the water, so that nothing is actually transmitted into water. There is yet another group of sensors say 50cm further from the hull in the water on bracket arms to measure again and double check the result of cancellation, if it still detects some sound transmitted, the DSP software will recalculate according to it's feedback and tune the cancellation signal until perfect.

The 2nd is a deception system, used during peace time and exercise and war game and troll plowing into Dotard Navy's war games areas.

Basically to deliberately generate false mechanical noises sounding realistic. This is for Dotard Navy to pickup and record and register in their anti-submarine acoustic signature databases. That Dotard navy anti-sub ships and planes & torpedoes are loaded with these corrupted false databases as TYPE XXX PLA Submarines acoustic signature. 以假乱真=欺敌

In the war time, the PLA will turn off the deception noise, and Dotard Nave is confused that they cannot fucking find any PLA sub any more. Further, these fake signature noise are then at war time deliberately emitted by DECOYS, to lead the Dotard Navy to waste time and resources, hunting and bombing and shooting missiles and torpedoes to hit some cheap worthless decoys and exposed themselves while doing so - and got killed by PLA submarines silently.

PLA found Dotard navy planted some listening drones near Hainan Island's submarine base, these are to collect their anti-submarine acoustic signature databases. So deliberately PLA emitted a designed set of noises for each model submarines, to let Dotard Navy collect Deceptively False Data. PLA submarines also deliberately go to US Japan or US Singapore joined naval war games to troll them to record Deceptively False Data for their anti-submarine acoustic signature databases. RSN and Japs suckers also happily play cowboy and show off they had captured nicely recorded PLA Submarine Acoustic Signature to supply Dotard's Navy. LOL = Chiak Sai!