During the early days of PAP, LKY and gang weren't paid million dollar salaries to propel Singapore into a "1st world country". Most of his ministers then were local educated, average middle-class Singaporeans supported by a very average civil service. But they still managed to raise the standard of living and put Singapore on the world map. PAP were able to succeed in the past because of the people's support and the leaders' genuine wills and passion to make Singapore a success.
Now.. most of the PAP leaders are given million dollar scholarships, chosen from the smartest singaporeans, given million dollar salaries and have the brightest singaporeans working in the civil service. But have they achieved more in the last 10 years compared to their first 10 years when they came into power? It's easy to see that they have lost the sincerity, passion and heart to serve the people, but all they want is to perpetuate their power and control Singapore as long as they can. Otherwise, why the need for defamation lawsuits and multi-million dollar salaries?
Perhaps it's time to let a new wave of leaders who have the passion and understand the population's need and concerns to bring Singapore to the next level. Leaders that don't neccessarily have to be paid million dollar salaries or given elite scholarships for an overseas education. A new party that resembles the old PAP of the 1960s.. A party who worked truly for Singaporeans.
reverse true anot? ... wifout spore there is no pap 2day! ...Without PAP there is no Singapore today!!
dear TS, i think u might wanna re-read the context over again, to see if it is indeed 100% credit to the party. history books as always overrate the few fellas who were in the limelight, doing the most talk... bt hardly seen walking the walk.I learn that PAP win 43 seat out of 51 parliament seat in 1963.
Singapore start grow with the leader ship of Mr.Lee start from 1965.
Singapore is fully independent from 9 Aug 1965 lead by PAP.
Without the leadership of Mr.Lee and PAP members Singapore will be just a small fishing village.
I do not understand why some Singaporean do not recognize the fact?
By the way, I am not local Singaporean.
This is what i think and please contribute your views ..:p
sg was modernized bcos the brits did some solid foundation to make this island flourish, as opposed to other westerners who merely plundered from the neighboring countries they colonized in those days.100 yrs ago, all the surrounding countries/states such as mynmar, melaka, penang , vietnam were more advanced than s'pore.
100 yrs on, s'pore has become 1st world and the rest hasnt progressed as much. its thanks to the government that we got food to eat, housing to live in, clean water, can hire maids. can you imagine if our women had to go to other countries to become maids? how would they be treated?
some other political party might have done a better job but we wouldnt know. as far as i am concerned, PAP has done well enough.
in 100yrs..??? history will repeat itself again... the ppl of this island r very likely to be 1st or 2nd or maybe 3rd generation migrants once more.I agree with you. 43yrs old now...still got many yrs to go on.
I hope after 100yrs still the same as now.
nobody is perfect, every ruler in history had imposed some things that infuriated the ppl. the only difference is how far did they anger the ppl, n how much threshold did the ppl have to stomach the treachery.that is why i never understand the LKY basher.. to me LKY is GOD. Great character, Great leadership. if anyone has any sense and bothers to read up asia history,South east Asia in particular. He will understand why LKY did some of the unpopular things he did.![]()
c'mon... dun gimme that crap. when LKY stepped up for candidacy... he was just an average joe - just as u n i...its not easy to be a politician, minimum the person's got to be some CEO or big director of some company and has experience in dealing with thousands of staff. with this type of credentials, he would be also earning a big sum of money, if he wants to be a politician he would want to join the PAP and not the opposition.
the calibre of the current opposition is simply not good enough.
back then didnt earn as much, bt today... we're not sure if he has a share in all the things/infrastructure established. n they make becoming part of board of directors so easy.During the early days of PAP, LKY and gang weren't paid million dollar salaries to propel Singapore into a "1st world country". Most of his ministers then were local educated, average middle-class Singaporeans supported by a very average civil service. But they still managed to raise the standard of living and put Singapore on the world map. PAP were able to succeed in the past because of the people's support and the leaders' genuine wills and passion to make Singapore a success.
Now.. most of the PAP leaders are given million dollar scholarships, chosen from the smartest singaporeans, given million dollar salaries and have the brightest singaporeans working in the civil service. But have they achieved more in the last 10 years compared to their first 10 years when they came into power? It's easy to see that they have lost the sincerity, passion and heart to serve the people, but all they want is to perpetuate their power and control Singapore as long as they can. Otherwise, why the need for defamation lawsuits and multi-million dollar salaries?
Perhaps it's time to let a new wave of leaders who have the passion and understand the population's need and concerns to bring Singapore to the next level. Leaders that don't neccessarily have to be paid million dollar salaries or given elite scholarships for an overseas education. A new party that resembles the old PAP of the 1960s.. A party who worked truly for Singaporeans.
under normal circumstances, for 1 to qualify to be part of board of directors, he qualifies himself via buying & having stakes in the organization... either that, he must be among the directors who established the organization from scratch.
nobody can just walk in, sit down n say "hello, u all play monopoly ah? i wanna join in can?"
Wins88, good stuff you have! No offense, but please enlighten me. Are there insufficient people on this island that hold high moral & economic standings? So much so that the need arises to enlist policians? Does that also constitute as conflict of interest, in cases where the industries are linked or co-related?I think you are greatly mistaken on this point. Corporations and businesses can appoint Independent Directors and Non-Executive Directors to the board (especially listed companies) to ensure that the Executive Directors (mostly founding and/or working Directors) work hard and keep within the boundaries of the law, hold high moral grounds so that minority shareholders get the maximum benefit. I know for a fact that some large Privately owned companies also have Independent Directors - but all listed companies must have Independent Directors who are people of high moral and economic standing.
Wins88, good stuff you have! No offense, but please enlighten me. Are there insufficient people on this island that hold high moral & economic standings? So much so that the need arises to enlist policians? Does that also constitute as conflict of interest, in cases where the industries are linked or co-related?
thanks for the heads up, but i still think its not necessary for public figures to be on those boards. besides listed companies, there're also other organizations. we should have noticed by now, that even if it wasnt a public figure involved, some1 related be it bloodlines or spouse may also be involved directly or indirectly.I think you are greatly mistaken on this point. Corporations and businesses can appoint Independent Directors and Non-Executive Directors to the board (especially listed companies) to ensure that the Executive Directors (mostly founding and/or working Directors) work hard and keep within the boundaries of the law, hold high moral grounds so that minority shareholders get the maximum benefit. I know for a fact that some large Privately owned companies also have Independent Directors - but all listed companies must have Independent Directors who are people of high moral and economic standing.