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Why those below average looking chinese gal, not those fat losers, once they have ah neh bf, she will become very chio and seductive?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Because the lords of kama sutra always give them a good workout. Lots of calories burnt. :sneaky:


Because the lords of kama sutra always give them a good workout. Lots of calories burnt. :sneaky:
Not really. Tat ah neh will feel ver proud as many chink will stare and despise tat chink gal being a traitor. Tat chink really will become chio and sexy just dunno why. If she is single nobody give a fk but if she has ah neh bf, she will become seductive. shld be becos of jealousy

syed putra

More malay or grago( portuguese) looking sinkies in future. Good for the island if chinese blood are depleted..


More malay or grago( portuguese) looking sinkies in future. Good for the island if chinese blood are depleted..
Not really. Ugly breed. Many look exactly as ah neh. U are not answering the qns. I found very peculiar. Below average or ugly chink gal once she got ah neh bf, she really turn sedcutive.

syed putra

Not really. Ugly breed. Many look exactly as ah neh. U are not answering the qns. I found very peculiar. Below average or ugly chink gal once she got ah neh bf, she really turn sedcutive.
Maybe its because of the thrill of the hunt. The more difficult to get, the more desirable it becones.


Maybe its because of the thrill of the hunt. The more difficult to get, the more desirable it becones.
Good answer. Many chink will stare and say behind their back. Tat ugly chink gal will just become very seductive. Then that ah neh will have a arrogant look becos many are staring. Ah neh get a chink gf or wife, his status become very high.