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Why teen sex is on the rise


Magoichi Saika

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Why teen sex is on the rise <!-- TITLE : end-->
Reader gives four reasons for rise in teen sex. -myp --> </td> </tr> <tr></tr><tr> <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" width="550"> <table> <tbody><tr> <td> <table> <tbody><tr><td>
</td> </tr> <tr><td class="content_subtitle" align="left"> Wed, Jan 06, 2010
my paper
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CASES of teen sex are on the rise and some experts blame it on the Internet. This is highly plausible, as teenagers can have easy access to pornography in the comfort of their homes. Parents should install software to monitor their children's surfing activities.Here are other reasons contributing to the rise:

Teen sex is fashionable
Kids are pushed by peer pressure to participate in sex, which is fraught with physical and emotional danger. Since teen sex is the "in thing", as portrayed by some magazines and movies, young boys and girls feel that it is the norm for them to have sex.
Sexual curiosity is high, particularly among boys who are exposed to pornography on the Internet. Teens who have many sexual partners at an early age may undermine their ability to develop and sustain loving and committed relationships as adults.

Distorted information on sex
Young boys and girls learn about sex from unreliable sources on the Internet, which promote licentious sex and pornography.

Not enough emphasis on commitment in sexuality education
Sexuality-education programmes do not place enough emphasis on sexual responsibility, intimacy, commitment, love and marriage.While they warn teenagers about the dangers of unprotected sex, they do not say enough about the harm caused by having sex at a tender age.

Poor role models
Kids follow their parents' example with regard to morals and values. If parents show a lack of morals, they should expect their children to follow their example. Children are exposed to a wide range of influences and it is their parents' duty to guide them on issues such as intimacy, love, sex and commitment. Parents should inculcate moral values in their kids, which would help in their understanding of sex. Abstinence before marriage and faithfulness in marriage are the only guarantees of safe sex.




Simplest solution is repeal the ABORTION ACT

Rise in teen sex or promiscuity is the direct result of legalised ABORTION being available easily. Condoms and contraceptive pills do fail even if used according to instructions and pregnancy results which ultimately is 'SOLVED' by an ABORTION backup plan.

Without legalised ABORTION, those who engage in sexual activities would have to bear with the FULL consequences of a PREGNANCY culminating in BABY being born. This alone is a MAJOR DETERRENCE, the alternative is back alley abortions which carries the risks of death from SEPTIC abortions which would itself be just as scary to deter teen sex.

With the repeal of the ABORTION ACT, the mere mention of 'WILL I GET PREGNANT?' by a teen girlfriend just before penetration would be guaranteed to turn any teen BF's erection flaccid in double quick time.

Without legalised Abortions availability, teens would not be so GARANG about having sex after hearing one or more horror stories on what happened to their teen friends who got PREGNANT!

There would still be foolish teens experimenting with sex but the numbers won't be the same level as the current high rate due to the FEAR FACTOR of pregnancy.