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even the best england speaker like Lau Lee cant say bombing properly in this youtube..at 4.30..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VexrmTacOAA&feature=related..what more could we ask for from normal singkies..?
'Sinkies can't pronounce French either. The "en" in "en bloc" is pronounced "on". Why are Sinkies so dumb ah?
'Sinkies can't pronounce French either. The "en" in "en bloc" is pronounced "on". Why are Sinkies so dumb ah?
eErotica69 said:Simple as that... because we were a British colony!!
Click on the link and on the British flag icon to hear the pronunciation
there are so many words ,sinkies cant pronounce properly..flour is just the tip of the iceberg...words that immediately come to mind are"purchase",beach,....project and produce(two ways of saying them)..etc..and the fact that singkies pronounce every word in a flat tone with no stresses..practically any word thats more than one syllable
is pronounced wrongly, eg people becomes peeper..aircon becomes acorn
salmon said:not can't la. i think most times ppl are unaware. they don't pay attention to the correct pronunciation so just anyhow muddle through; as long as enough ppl understand them, good enough for them liao.
.......... "FLAR", while ang mos pronouce it as "Flower"?
Is there a correct pronunciation? Ask the American, the Brit and Ossie and they can all disagree. The correct pronunciation for our Concert Hall is The Explanade as in lemonade and that is official.
Especially those who went overseas for work or study uni and suddenly after 3-4 years come back with newfound accent and pretend dun understand singlish....knn but the fucking behavior and mannerisms still 100% sinkie cannot siam....kanalan.now that u've asked, i must say i dunno. my preference, however, is brit minus the accent. i can't stand people who suddenly develop an accent when they have to talk to foreigners or those who "kek" one in order to intimidate customer service staff.
now that u've asked, i must say i dunno. my preference, however, is brit minus the accent. i can't stand people who suddenly develop an accent when they have to talk to foreigners or those who "kek" one in order to intimidate customer service staff.
QXD said:Come to think of it, I've heard flour pronounced either way before by many Aussies here.
So I think the problem here is not pronunciation by how much lack of self-confidence Stinkaporeans have to be hung up with what Ang Moh sprouts from his mouth.
I remember in the mid 90s when every man and his dog aspired to be an insurance or real estate agent.
Lots of low-life, low-class, scum-of-the-earth ah bengs and ah lians, in trying to sound sophisticated, always proclaimed that they we to an important meeting to meet with their "kline".
Never occurred to me to correct their pronunciation to its proper "cli-ent", as it was a sure fire way to weed out and avoid these undesirables within 2 minutes of talking to them.
in the past sinkies are not taught how to pronounce the words properly according to the proper standard chosen......things got worst when the chinese schools were closed....and some of the teachers are made to teach english to reduce the shortage.....
another word that most sinkies,from teachers to CEOs will screw up pronouncing is colleague..