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why singapore girls like to say "you go and die lah"?


We used to say that when we were in P1. Gradually over the years it evolved into "Fuck you" or Fuck off"!


We used to say that when we were in P1. Gradually over the years it evolved into "Fuck you" or Fuck off"!
my housemate gal (fren) just say that to me when i knocked on her door and scream "fire fire fire" to wake her up just now. funny woman. last night asked me to help her wake up on time and today ask me go die

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
my housemate gal (fren) just say that to me when i knocked on her door and scream "fire fire fire" to wake her up just now. funny woman. last night asked me to help her wake up on time and today ask me go die
You should just paint her to wake her up. She will say I am gonna die instead.