The mentality of some of you guys is that you want everyone to share same opinions. I don't have a vagina although I know a little about it. Does that mean I should have one in order to talk about it?
Seems like the point is lost on you.
You do not need to have a vagina but you sure need some knowledge about it before you pass off comments about vagina upgrades costs, vagina age, vagina spare parts or vagina operation problems as facts.
Ok if it is not discolouration and it is rust, as an engineer I know some laymen who looks at materials and regard them as rust. Tell me where do you find lots of iron materials in an aircraft, especially one made for the marine environment? Therefore my conclusion is not that far off.
This is a perfect example of how you constantly change your views to suit you. Read Papsmearer’s post carefully. His friend was part of the team that bought the Skyhawk. He is NO layman. You are grasping at straws now.
Like I said I don't know everything, but that does not mean I cannot put in my 2 cents worth. Similarly I don't screw you for interjecting into this discussion although maybe this could be your first comment? Have you offered any other opinion in this thread?
First off, I am not screwing you.
You are using a classic diversion tactic. Whether I post or not in this thread has NO relevance on what I said about your posts. Like you, I’m an ordinary guy with some interest in military matters. I do not pass my opinions as facts and talk about things I do not know like the cost of upgrading the E2C, operational problems when upgrading, choosing the G550 due to the availability of spare parts, etc. And of all the things you pick on, you choose to pick on what Papsmearer said about short wings when anyone who could read knows what he was driving at.
What I said about you can however be easily checked and confirmed by going through this entire thread. It is not an accusation just because I do not agree with you. You are not the only one supporting the purchase.
Also, I don’t give a shit what the RSAF buys. If they did not buy this, they will always find a way to blow the cash elsewhere. It won’t be passed on to the peasants regardless. My issue is with your arguments and how you twist and turn.
Lastly a minor point… I notice that you have totally avoided the issue about your contradictions regarding age vs flight/ landing cycle.