1) Everyone pays for sex. Most men do so by getting a wife through marriage - the most expensive way to acquire sex.
2) Ironically, professional prostitutes are much cleaner and less prone to STDs, because they must insist on safe sex to preserve their livelihood.
3) Your typical weekend bar/pub/club pickup chick is usually more riddled with STDs. Also, there is no guarantee that your girlfriend (working 'overtime', girls' nights out) or your wife (being very cheerful when you go for reservist) is not fucking some other men behind your back... without protection.
4) There is no romance or love - it's just a combination of endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin to give you a high feeling when you are in a relationship. Also, in the case of marriage, it's purely a business transaction. The pro-marriage folks do not care about your well-being: parents want grandchildren, government wants you to produce more taxpayers. They are all selfish hypocrites.
5) If it floats, flies or fucks, it is cheaper to rent.
6) Good thing about paying a professional for sex is that you're paying for her to go away. Zero fuss, zero emotional drama, zero clinginess.
7) Prostitution has been going on since mankind's earliest recorded history. Good luck to those of you attempting to eradicate, or launch a crusade against the oldest trade. Please find something more useful to do.