it can be a valid concern. but I think people are ready.
Tats what u think. Which ministers dare to take the risks and abolish the Bumis rights immediately? DAP berani? Again i repeat, not at the moment. I feel its not safe. Tats my view. Just agree to disagree ok. We can keep going round and round in circle..
Saya tahu lah. Sakit hati kan? pro bumi takkan tolong Melayu. Hanya tolong yang itu orang besar. This NEP has taken all the business and concentrated it in only a few Malay hands. Average Melayu as you say worse off than before. I see statistics somewhere before di mana sudah lupa tapi itu statistics menunjuk average Melayu is poorer now than before in the 60s or 70s. Of course whole country is poorer as well. Mana itu wang pergi? Itu cerita PM dan kawan-kawan. For an example take a look at AP for car import. Only a handful of Malays benefit. Auto-monopoly. Don't even start about Sarawak. The longer it carries on, the poorer Malays will get.
The problem is Bumi did have some benefits like money in kind. Just tat its a small token. But its still money. Now tat they are poor and u immediately take it u tink they will feel?
Sebenarnya yang ini pro bumi bikin macam gini will lama lama sabo Melayu. Kalau sekarang atau later. it's not a problem. But the longer it goes on, the worse it becomes. First thing to change is mindset. One of the things that you said jadikan kepala saya pusing I can't remember which post is about how Malays cannot succeed and therefore only have Malaysia to fall back on. That is not true. What is true is that Malays are not born or taught into mindset of success. Kalau tak percaya boleh menang boleh menang ke? Terus nampak cina kerja rajin angkat tangan ke? Kalau mahu menang mesti rajin. Senang sekali, but saya nampak a lot of bapak melayu tak ajar kanak kanak percaya sendiri rajin bekerja/dapat rezeki. No self-belief. You tambah ini pro bumi policy, lagi teruk. Lagi sendiri percaya, Melayu mesti ada pertolongan untuk menang. Lagi malas.
I tak cakap Melayu tak bisa succeed. Wat i said was in times of turbulent or crisis, MALAYsia is their country, their Motherland. If other races, they can go back to their own respective motherland like India or China or Sinkieland for the cheena. Cos sinkieland is second china. Tere may be some Melayu family tidak apa attitude. But to generalise all Melayu as such i dont tink its right. Just like my dad, i taught my children well. Bad school results sure kana by me. Punishment...but not as severe as how i got it from my dad. My children semua ok interms of educational level. Tats all i can said cos i dont like to brag. My Msia relatives also doing quite fine except a couple of them. Just like u, tere was this post tat went on viral where cheena criticise the Malays being lazy. But how i dont see cheena in public sectors? Who catches those robbers and criminals? Ur house got fire, who put out those fires. When teres war, which race will be at front line? And u call them lazy?
Kalau betul-betul mahu tolong Melayu, get performance coaching centre for kanak kanak miskin. Melayu dan semua lain. I volunteer kalau saya tak penat. Not buang wang sahaja. Anytime money enters the picture no good will come of it. Betul atau salah? But those kanak kanak mesti commit lah.
this one any race also got...