Firstly I don't think you realise what you wrote in your previous posts and seemed lost.
The only one here who is lost and beating around the bush is you.
You commented that responsibilty can be interpretted umpteen times. So was looking for your interpretation. You claimed not to be taken in by the media, so I thought you knew something.
I have said this many times, and i am still saying this. If you misinterpret that i know something about NK because i don't trust the media then it's your problem since i made no such claims. I am not going to talk about responsibility of NK, keep asking it and i am not going to reply. However i have provided other examples (not relating to NK) where the media is projecting a wrong impression. I will provide one more below.
Its turns out that you have no clue about N. Korea and also unsure about yourself and what you mean.
I never claimed i have a clue on are claiming i do.
By the way, a responsible state is no different to a responsible individual in a society. The words and actions over time creates a consistent pattern and impression that they can be relied upon to act in reasonable and mature manner. As the individual displays this over a course of time in society, a state achieves this in its interaction with other States within the global family. In essence, if you know what a responsible adult is, you can apply similar measures to that of the State.
There are states that are fall into the rogue or failed states category but thankfully these are very few and far between. Typically, the institutions for good governance is lacking ie ruled by a dictator or tyrant. Rogue states gain concern and prominence when they have weapons of significance in their possesion.
A responsible nation is akin to a responsible individual, agreed. But once again it is is open to interpretation. You definition of a responsible
nation is all nice and dandy but you seemed to have missed one very important thing:
Who determines a nation is responsible or not? Is there some kind of an independent body , completely unbiased with no self interest that can
determine whether a nation is responsible?
Is there an unbiased, independent media via which the citizens of the globe can deduce whether a nation or its rulers are responsible? NO, there is no such body or medium in today's world. Period. If there is please enlighten me.
Let me give you an example:
4 million people in Congo have died in the past decade due to genocide brought about by the rulers of Congo, Uganda and Rwanda for the sake of mining the mineral Coltan from Congo's Mine. Now tell me, according to your definition of a responsible nation are these nations responsible? Hell no, but do you hear the mass media talking about Congo? Do you hear Obama talking about Congo, do you hear about sanctions on Congo. Hell do you even know the name of the presidents of these countries? I don't think you do. The entire world seems to think nothing is wrong in Congo, Why?
Simple......the nations of the world and the west in particular benefit from the mining of Coltan. Congo, Uganda, Rwanda though thoroughly irresponsible are beneficial. That's why you will never hear about dictatorship in Congo or Uganda, Congo and Rwanda being in the axis of evil. How many articles can you point out in the media like newspaper or television that talk about irresponsibility if these nations. This applies for Pakistan and china which are nuclear armed. Chinese generals have stated that they will nuke US over a conflict with Taiwan. But you don't hear about sanctions on china do you?
This example goes back to my stance. Just because the media states something or does not state something does not mean its the truth/untruth.
The west will ally with any country, ruled by any dictator, with or with out nuclear weapons, with or with out human rights........ not based on responsibility but based on whether that nation is beneficial to them. We can talk about responsibility of nations till the cows come home but as i pointed out it means nothing to the west.
The issue was if N.Korea was unfairly picked on. Despite many attempts to seek clarification, you could not throw light on whether it was a rogue or a responsible state. You may want to comment when you have reasonable understanding of the facts at hand.
I am sure about myself. The one who is unsure is you.
1. I never started an argument on NK's did.
2. I never claimed i know something about NK.........but you are claiming that i know about NKs responsibility.
3. I was talking about not trusting the media............... but some how you have managed to draw the impression that not trusting the media means i must know something about NK.
4. I have said in my earlier post i don't know anything about NK................ but you keep insisting that i know.
5. I have said i know of some reason why Iran is antagonistic with US, something that you wont find in the media..............but you cleverly
side stepped Iran and keep ranting about NK.
6. In one of your earlier posts you said India is aligned to Russia but i clearly pointed your fallacy............Once gain you cleverly side
stepped that keep ranting about NK.
And i have one very important question for..........What is your stance in this argument between us? My stance is that media cant be trusted,
so don't draw conclusions on nations or for that any matter of importance by just reading to the media. Make your own independent research. I have given some examples of my own research that is supporting mys stance.
What is your stance?? After having wasted my time and effort in replying to so many of your posts i still do not know your stance.You keep on
ranting and ranting like a broken tape recorded about responsibility of NK when i said nothing, absolutely nothing about responsibility of NK.
Look If you want me to continue this conversation do these things:
1. State your bloody stance.
2. Show me how your stance is counter to my stance. (my stance is listed above). If your stance is not related to mine and once again if it is
something about responsibility of NK then you can shut up as i am not willing to waste any more of my. Btw, i have showed above how responsibility of a nations means squat to the topic at hand.
3. After having shown that your stance is counter to mine, provide some verifiable examples like i did to show that your stance is correct and mine is
wrong. So far all your arguments are qualitative. Anybody can talk cock (like the text book definition you gave about a responsible nation). It time you started supporting your stance (whatever that is) by solid examples.
If you cant address the three issues above don't bother replying as i wont.