In the first place, how did they get the mutant virus?
Where did Owen go? Well, yesterday a pic was circulating around "FB play land" with a masked up woman who had her 2 dogs with her in a store.. Ok.. no issues until I saw the masks on her dogs.. Huh? I won't tell you the comment I made but it wasn't abusive or hateful but more like willing her to have something done to her face. Ok. maybe. The result? My 2nd 24-hour ban since Oct 31st which was also pretty funny. But I am a dog lover and lose it when I see any form of animal abuse and putting masks on dogs? ANIMAL ABUSE. PERIOD!
So, what does one do when they are in FB Jail? Less debates with the minions and More research.. LOTS OF RESEARCH!!!!
Today, we will talk about the "dreaded" Indian variant and it's going to be a short one (ok, maybe not

First a little background from the other "dreaded" variants which have dominated the news for the last few months.. What do UK, Brazil and South Africa all have in common? All 3 countries had participated in the convid trial and all 3 were mentioned as Variant Originating Countries. FACT and yes a correlation.
What about India? You guessed it, they also did trials but had 4 different companies:
1. Sputnik5 (Russia) EUA Approval Apr 12, 2021, not yet deployed. 100,000,000 doses ordered
2. Covaxin (India) EUA Approval Jan 2, 2021, deployed Jan 16 even though Phase 3 trials had yet to be completed. 10,000,000 doses ordered.
3. Covishield (AZ/Oxford collaboration) EUA Approval Jan 1, 2021, deployed Jan 16. 500,000,000 doses ordered
4. Covovax aka Novovax (US). No EUA Approval yet no status updates but hell, they ordered 1,000,000,000 doses.. Huh?
Honourable mentions?
1. Biological E is now in late stage 3 clinical trials.
2. J&J is seeking approval to do trials in INDIA. Huh? I'm not even going to touch this one.. Cough, cough, cough.. CDC halts J&J in the US and Denmark halts J&J..
Please note that the above are only jabs which have either been approved for trials or have been given an EUA.
There is one main difference between India and the western world? Volunteers ARE Insured Against Side Effects. Yup you read that correctly. According to Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines, each of the volunteers has been covered with Rs 1crore life insurance in case of death due to any side effects during the trial. They have also been covered under Rs 50lakh medical insurance if they develop any adverse effect from the vaccine. How much they receive is peanuts compared to the rest of the modern world but at least they are insured.
Now keep in mind up until the trials, India didn't have the mass deaths like the US or UK or any other country who was making up the numbers to fit their fear porn narrative. They also had paused the trials after the AZ issue in the UK, albeit briefly.
Here's their timeline
Mask mandate - April 9th, 2020 (more on this in a bit)
Trials- June 30th, 2020 (Covaxin gets regulatory approval to start their trials)
Rollout - Jan 16th, 2021.
Since then, Cases tripled from mid may (96,000+) to this past Friday (350,000+) and deaths have doubled. Why? My money is on a combo of the non-medical countermeasures, the jab trials and the after effects of the jab rollouts.
But when did Covid19 Jab development commence? This is up for debate but I posted on modeRNA months ago regarding their March 28th, 2019 amendment,
"Because of a concern for re-emergence or a deliberate release of the SARS coronavirus, vaccine development was initiated."..
Or how about the fact that China started jab development in Jan 2020. Hmmmm.. Hmmmm and HMMMMMMMMM..
Back to the India Charade. If you compare the increase in cases and the daily deaths with relation to the mask mandates and the later 2021 approval for the jab rollouts something really begins to smell. Like pig pooh smell. (see, I'm working on my profanity

1. cases increase after the mask mandate goes in effect.
2. deaths start increasing approx 3 weeks after said mandates then really start to take off after the jab trials commence. their peak was Sept 15th with 1,286 alleged deaths. Coincidence?

3. deaths really take off in 2021 which can be related to the jabs because, as of April 23, 2021, 129,646,105 jabs have been administered to the innocent people of India (9.6/100). However, their biggest "death day" was only 2,621 (april 23rd, 2021).. Now compare that to the 22,500 people who die daily in India pre-convid.
To put it in super simple terms, India which has 1/5 of the global population (1.39billion people) and only 192,199 alleged deaths which equates to 0.0138% - allegedly. Oh.. this is for 1 year and 23 days.
The cool thing about todays factoid is that all of this info was found on worldometers, wiki and health site . com and duckduckgo