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why mooselim don't burn bible in revenge for quran burning


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They standardized the standardized Quran

Wrong. The moslem scholars tried to standardize the quran in 1924 in Cairo because there were too many different versions of the qurans in circulation. @duluxe

Even a simple Google search today will show that moslems can't agree on the number of words in their 1924 cairo quran, which I read underwent further standardization by the oil rich Saudis. Till today, the 1924 Cairo version quran still isn't fully standardized.

1) According to one estimate the Quran consists of 77,430 words, 18,994 unique words, 12,183 stems, 3,382 lemmas and 1,685 roots.[96]

2) As for the number of the words of the Qur'an it is: 77,449 words (seventy seven thousand four hundred and forty nine words).

3) The Holy Quran contains 327792 letters and 77880 words

https://al-kindipublisher.com/index.php/ijcrs/article/download/3889/3462#:~:text=The Holy Quran contains 327792,sura is also roughly 4.

4) There are a total number of 77797 words in Quran

5) Words of the Quran counted as 77,934. And more has been said like 77,437, 77,277.


Wrong. The moslem scholars tried to standardize the quran in 1924 in Cairo because there were too many different versions of the qurans in circulation. @duluxe

Even a simple Google search today will show that moslems can't agree on the number of words in their 1924 cairo quran, which I read underwent further standardization by the oil rich Saudis. Till today, the 1924 Cairo version quran still isn't fully standardized.

1) According to one estimate the Quran consists of 77,430 words, 18,994 unique words, 12,183 stems, 3,382 lemmas and 1,685 roots.[96]

2) As for the number of the words of the Qur'an it is: 77,449 words (seventy seven thousand four hundred and forty nine words).

3) The Holy Quran contains 327792 letters and 77880 words

https://al-kindipublisher.com/index.php/ijcrs/article/download/3889/3462#:~:text=The Holy Quran contains 327792,sura is also roughly 4.

4) There are a total number of 77797 words in Quran

5) Words of the Quran counted as 77,934. And more has been said like 77,437, 77,277.
hahaha JT desperately have to point finger at a non issue because Muslims unanimously agree it was preserved.
Unlike his bible, plagiarized, corrupted, mistranslated, erroneous, verses deleted and added and admitted as much by their OWN scholars!!!
Try harder or better still read the Quran yourself.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
hahaha JT desperately have to point finger at a non issue because Muslims unanimously agree it was preserved.

Did they? moslem scholars gathered in 1924 in Cairo to standardize the various qurans, and then dumped numerous pre-1924 qurans into the nile. Even today, moslems cannot agree on the number of words in their "preserved" quran. How many words are there in your copy of the 1924 cairo quran?
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Did they? moslem scholars gathered in 1924 in Cairo to standardize the various qurans, and then dumped numerous pre-1924 qurans into the nile. Even today, moslems cannot agree on the number of words in their "preserved" quran. How many words are there in your copy of the 1924 cairo quran?
The Quran is there. KAFIRS are welcome to count how many words are there and declare Muslims got it wrong. I will admit I got the number of words wrong too. Please correct me


Follow up. Compared the differences between the 1924 Cairo quran, which adopted the Hafs version, compared to other versions of the quran. A simple Google search will also show that no one can agree on the actual number of words in the current arabic quran. Different sources will give different numbers. Interesting, for an arabic book that is supposedly unchanged and unedited.






@JohnTan boss, you evidences have hanged here for days and @Loofydralb and @Likemeat (the return of whoami?) are still unable to take them down.:laugh::laugh::laugh: They can't debunked, so ISLAM is the BIGGEST Lie & Scam.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The Quran is there.


KAFIRS are welcome to count how many words are there and declare Muslims got it wrong.

I declared that even moslems can't even agree how many words there are in their 1924 cairo quran or whichever version of the quran they are using. So much for the quran being 'preserved'.

I will admit I got the number of words wrong too. Please correct me

Time for you to check the arabic quran you have at home against the arabic quran other moslems are using. If they are all the same, as moslems like you like to boast, the actual number of words should be identical for each arabic quran instead of having differences.

Why would I bother to count for you? The 1924 cairo quran is a total piece of crap. Only fools like you would think it's the word of God.


He should present evidence and show a Quran 300 years ago and one post 1924 is different to prove his case.
Otherwise I will ignore it as majority of christian scholars disagrees with him.

recto [21]Visible TracesReconstructionStandard Text
Quran 2 (al-Baqarah), verse 191
Line 4
ﺣ/ / ٮٯٮـ(ـلو) کمحَتّی يُقـٰتِلوکُمحَتَّىٰ يُقَـٰتِلُوكُمْ فِيهِ
Quran 2:191
Line 5
د لک جز ا ا لکڡر ٮںذَٰلِکَ جَزاءُ الکـٰفِرينَكـذَٰلِكَ جَزَآءُ ٱلْكَـٰفِرِينَ
Quran 2:192
Line 5
ا نتـ(ﻬ)ـﻮإنتَهَوانتَهَوا
Quran 2:193
Line 6
Quran 2:193
Line 7
و ٮکو ں ا لد ٮں کله ﻟ[ﻠ]ﻪو يَكُونَ الدِّينُ كُلُّهُ لِلَّـهِوَيَكُونَ ٱلدِّينُ لِلَّـهِ
Quran 2:194
Line 10
و من اعتدیوَ مَنِ اعتَدَیفَــمَنِ ٱعْتَدَى
Quran 2:194
Line 11
ڡا ﻋٮـ/ / وفاعتدوفَٱعْتَدُوا
Quran 2:194
Line 11
ما اعتد ی علٮكم ٮهمَا اعتَدَی عَلَيكُم بِهمَا ٱعْتَدَىٰ عَلَيْكُمْ
Quran 2:196
Line 17
ڡـﻤ// تٮسر مں ا لهد یفَما تَيَسَّر مِن الهَدیفما استَيسَرَ مِنَ ٱلْهَدْىِ
Quran 2:196
Line 17
و لا تحلٯو اوَلَا تَحلِقُواوَلَا تَحْلِقُوا رُءُوسَكُمْ
Quran 2:196
Line 18
ڡا ﮞ كا ﮞ ا حد ﻣٮكمفَإن كان أحَدٌ مِنكُمفَمَن كَانَ مِنكُم
Quran 2:196
Line 19
ڡد ٮهفِديَةٌفَـفِديَةٌ
Quran 2:196
Line 20
مں صٮم او نسکمِن صِيٰمٍ أَو نُسُكٍمِن صِيَامٍ أَوْ صَدَقَةٍ أَوْ نُسُكٍ


The Crow

MosesLim: "I wanna burn my fats." ... :o-o:


  • MosesLim_V3.png
    473.7 KB · Views: 36
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Burn bibbles before hand must buy them from xtians. Why hand good money over to the infidels? :mad:


Follow up. Compared the differences between the 1924 Cairo quran, which adopted the Hafs version, compared to other versions of the quran. A simple Google search will also show that no one can agree on the actual number of words in the current arabic quran. Different sources will give different numbers. Interesting, for an arabic book that is supposedly unchanged and unedited.




This is ridiculous on so many levels it's hard to fathom why a faggot like you would insist on getting beheaded for this stupidity.

First of all, Arabic is obviously not English or some ching chong language or some CECA language. Why should rules of Arabic be the same as any of those languages?

In every day Arabic even today (more than 1400 years later), and in the Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) there was no such thing as "diacritical" marks.

To this day, Arabs do not use any diacritical marks in any official publications. E.g. look at their news.

Let's use Qatar based, world leading, world famous Al Jazeera (Arabic) as an example. Today's headlines (selected ones):

واشنطن تقرّ إرسال مقاتلات إف-16 لكييف وروسيا تحبط هجومين بموسكو والقرم

أعلن مسؤول أميركي أن بلاده وافقت على إرسال طائرات إف-16 المقاتلة من الدانمارك وهولندا إلى أوكرانيا، في حين قالت وزارة الدفاع الروسية إن قواتها أحبطت هجوما أوكرانيا على سفن حربية روسية قرب القرم.

Some others:

As even a slanty kafir fag like you who likes taking it up the arse from your ang moh kia master can see, the formatting does not work very well. Why? Because obviously Arabic is a different langugage with different set of rules than your kafir-chink or kafir-ang-moh-kia or kafir-ceca-virus written or spoken languages.

Stupid is as stupid does.

So there is no diacritical mark in the Quran to begin with. These were added for readers' convenience, perhaps mostly for the convenience of non Arabs.

All the "differences" (in quotes) your ang moh kia masters (whom you as a true blue slanty wuhan virus carrier just copied) talk about in desperation knowing fully well that the Holy Quran is the only book which has been memorized by hundreds of millions or maybe billions of people and is preserved perfectly and can never be altered since Allah SWT has himself promised it will be preserved, while your own "scriptures" have all been modified, edited, corrupted, violated, in and out, repeatedly, rinsed, twisted, fabricated verses added and chopped off from time to time and so on and so on, are merely about pronunciation. i.e. mostly to do with accents.

even in your ang moh kia masters' languages, there are different accents.

Your cowboy yankee masters will say: "John Tan is a fag who loves taking it up the ass." while your pommie kafir masters would say: "John Tan is a faggot who loves taking it up the arse."

Even spelling differs in this instance (i.e. your "ass" getting penetrated vs your "arse" getting penetrated). How does it change anything for you that you have been penetrated repeatedly by your pastor? Does it matter to you if your ang moh masters penetrated your "ass" or your "arse"? And these are more significant differences, spellings differ. Meanings can differ since "ass" has multiple meanings in itself, and the rules of English lend themselves to making an arse out of yourself if you use one meaning instead of another without refering to the context.

When was the last time your priest penetrated your arse, btw? And your "ass"? Can you walk straight now?

You should have the gumption now to go ahead, publicly offer your neck on the line, ready to be beheaded by any Truth loving defender of Haq' and Vanquisher of Ba'atil.


N.B. unlike you faggot, copy-paste artist mongoloid inferior chink, I did not copy paste the (gist of) the answer. I just copied-pasted some headlines from Al Jazeera (news portal/channel) to illustrate - to obviously ignoramuses - some critical points abt the rules of Arabic language.

Now, you should have the gumption to go public, air your true identity and be ready for beheading. Since you dared to claim the Quran has been modified, that there are multiple versions of the Quran but you ended up making an "arse" out of yourself.


You need to understand muslims' mindset, any valid evidence you present them they won't accept. But any falsehood serves to them by their clerics they will accept. Muslims are used to accept anything from their imams as they can't understand arabic and depend on the imams to interpret for them.

Maybe true for some Muslims, but Arabs are the single most numerous Muslim ethnic group.

It's often said by some smart alecs that most Muslims are not Arabs, which is t rue since Arabs are about 20 to 25% of all Muslims world wide, but it is also true that Arabs are the single most numerous ethnic group among Muslims worldwide, by far.

In distant second comes Bangla, and in what way, realistically, can Bangla compare and outdo Arabs? Either historically or in the present? At least CECA viruses outnumber Arabs, turd world as they are swimming in puddles of filth in Ganges sewer. At least CECA Pakis or Norkies have got nukes, but Banglas have got nothing. Zilch. Nada. sifr. Just another puppet of turd world cesspool ceca virus.


Disgusting low IQ 76 saffron terrorist CECA virus Ganges sewer rats.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Now, you should have the gumption to go public, air your true identity and be ready for beheading. Since you dared to claim the Quran has been modified, that there are multiple versions of the Quran but you ended up making an "arse" out of yourself.

Why don't you air your identity? Better you being beheaded. One less retard in our society.

All the "differences" (in quotes) your ang moh kia masters (whom you as a true blue slanty wuhan virus carrier just copied) talk about in desperation knowing fully well that the Holy Quran is the only book which has been memorized by hundreds of millions or maybe billions of people

And most of these moslems are born after 1924, the year the various qurans got standardized in Egypt.

So there is no diacritical mark in the Quran to begin with. These were added for readers' convenience, perhaps mostly for the convenience of non Arabs.

Who gives a shit about this? A simple Google search will show that moslems can't even agree on how many words are there in their 'incorruptible' qurans.


Why don't you air your identity? Better you being beheaded. One less retard in our society.

You are the moron. Chink to boot. Faggot, too. Who likes to take it up the arse.

Since you dared to claim Quran has multiple versions, you as a true blue faggot should have the gumption to reveal your true identity and get yourself beheaded now that your falsehood has been laid bare.

I can't ask you to "be a man" since you are a faggot.

And most of these moslems are born after 1924, the year the various qurans got standardized in Egypt.

Looks like your pastor drilled another hole in your posterior so that while shouting "Shiok! Ah! " everytime he pummels your dainty posterior, you came out with this nonsense.

If you were not a slanty, you would have seen this already. Too dumb to realize, or too much of a faggot, to leave your pastor.

Who gives a shit about this? A simple Google search will show that moslems can't even agree on how many words are there in their 'incorruptible' qurans.

Nothing called "Moslems", as a chink faggot, stikyporean, you should know that very well.

The number of words is the same, why the hell do you need Google search for it. Stupid chink. Since the entire Quran is the same, the number of words is also the same. Why do you think your stupid English grammar syntax or rules will apply to Arabic?

Now have the gumption to reveal your true address and get beheaded.