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why mooselim don't burn bible in revenge for quran burning


It must hurt your brain to know that your quran is only 100 years old.

If pre-1924 and post-1924 qurans are the same, then moslem scholars wouldn't bothered to gather in Cairo to standardise the various qurans.
And these Muslim scholars burnt the rest of multiple versions of the quran, might I add.
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It must hurt your brain to know that your quran is only 100 years old.

If pre-1924 and post-1924 qurans are the same, then moslem scholars wouldn't bothered to gather in Cairo to standardise the various qurans.
They standardized the standardized Quran


They standardized the standardized Quran

First time, I am hearing this. If already standardized, no point to repeat again. Unless like in the quran case, it was actually restandardizing to a different standard.
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@Loofydralb how do you explain the changing of the direction of prayer from petra to mecca? Restandardizing?



@Loofydralb how do you explain the changing of the direction of prayer from petra to mecca? Restandardizing?

Not a single fact there is established. Was it meant to face Petra? Was it then changed to mecca? Was it a place of worship? Was it built by Muslims?
I don't have the facts. So I don't assume anything. So should you.


Not a single fact there is established. Was it meant to face Petra? Was it then changed to mecca? Was it a place of worship? Was it built by Muslims?
I don't have the facts. So I don't assume anything. So should you.

You ever say you will research into the direction of prayer, but you dare not as it will expose islam is a man created religion. How do you explain guangzhou mosque situated thousand of km away from saudi is facing petra? Satellite image does lie.



@JohnTan have the evidences the koran has been edited for 1400 years, you just dismiss him off without refuting.
He should present evidence and show a Quran 300 years ago and one post 1924 is different to prove his case.
Otherwise I will ignore it as majority of christian scholars disagrees with him.


You ever say you will research into the direction of prayer, but you dare not as it will expose islam is a man created religion. How do you explain guangzhou mosque situated thousand of km away from saudi is facing petra? Satellite image does lie.

Again we Muslim when we don't know, we say we don't know. There are a million ways to postulate this as the evidence is incomplete and circumstantial.


He should present evidence and show a Quran 300 years ago and one post 1924 is different to prove his case.
Otherwise I will ignore it as majority of christian scholars disagrees with him.
He just need to prove some verses at time X are different from time Y or some X-ray images showing some scripts are being erased and replaced. @JohnTan


He just need to prove some verses at time X are different from time Y or some X-ray images showing some scripts are being erased and replaced. @JohnTan

He has a better chance of letting you fiddle with his stinky arse that his ang moh pastors have penetrated umpteen times than finding any discrepancies.

As we have said all along, there is not a single modification alteration corruption of the Holy Quran in the last 1400 years. It has been 1400 years, people around the world have read memorized the Quran by the hundreds of millions if not billions by now. If there were multiple different versions of the Quran, it's his job to prove that there were multiple different versions (showing the differences).

If he fails, he should be beheaded.

Same goes for kafir fanatics from anywhere.

Since they dared to challenge the authenticity of the Holy Quran, they should have the gumption to put their necks on the line. One failure - just one failure - to prove their obviously fraudulent claims and they'd have to part with their necks.

Fair call.


as per above topic

Not sure.

I'd have dropped a few smart bombs on these jackarse kafir rats without delay from these overhyped turkish iranian or other drones. these donkey nations have been hyping up their drones nonstop so why don't they use their drones to kill assad (dictator) in syria, sisi (dictator) in egypt, mbz (dictator) in uae, BAL (dictator) of Bangla, moroccan jordanian kings, uzbek kazakh etc russkie installed dictators in central asian countries?

both iran & turkey been hyping up their drones nonstop for so long so why not put them to good use. sales can skyrocket after a live demo on swedish kafir rats and some kafir puppet dictators. so why dont turkish and iranian donkeys do it?

explanation might be that hteir overhyped drones are not so good.


here are iranian turkish donkey nation produced drones they been hyping up nonstop incl smart bombs and other munitions















yeah i dont know why they aren't effing up worthless countries like sweden or stinkypura or zionist terrorists yet

even danemark dares to join in with their own anti Islamic, anti Muslim policies. blasphemous policies,

so why dun turkish and iranians collaborate instead of compete against each other?

and instead - working as a cohesive unit - compete against other evil kuffar?

such as zionist and yanks in the wider middle east central asian region?

including their puppet dictators and vassals in the region?

such as ceca virus hindutva saffron terrorist in cecadia in the south asian region? and ceca vassals such as BAL in Bangla (dictatorship)?

such as stinkypura kafir devil, evil, anti Islamic, anti Muslim and a puppet vassal of yanks, zionists, even ceca turd worlders!

such as any others anywhere in the world that is openly hostile inimical to Islam or Muslims or both anywhere in the world.

this is just a small glimpse of all weapons developed, tested, produced, introduced by iran or turkey.

they've got many more i've not yet posted


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He just need to prove some verses at time X are different from time Y or some X-ray images showing some scripts are being erased and replaced. @JohnTan

A Concise Guide to the Quran
Answering Thirty Critical Questions
By Ayman S. Ibrahim · 2020

Many manuscripts of the Quran written throughout Muslim history, when compared to one another, reveal ample differences, scribal errors, and obvious variants. Simply stated, what many call the unchanged, inerrant copy of the Quran is actually a twentieth century project. Not surprisingly, the editorial board responsible for the 1924 project stated in the final copy that the project was a result of significant concerns among Muslims regarding “errors” in copies previously used in Egypt’s local schools. Nonetheless, most Muslims do not recognize this history and consider the 1924 Royal Cairo Edition of the Quran textus receptus (received text) that existed throughout Islamic history since Uthman. This copy has become the official Quran. -

You can read this book. Loofy and other moron moslems won't accept any evidence because in their hearts, their 1924 Cairo quran has been the same since the dinosaurs, let alone 7th century AD. They want to get into a debate where their arabic religion is the longest, best, strongest, most popular etc etc, regardless the facts.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He just need to prove some verses at time X are different from time Y or some X-ray images showing some scripts are being erased and replaced. @JohnTan

Follow up. Compared the differences between the 1924 Cairo quran, which adopted the Hafs version, compared to other versions of the quran. A simple Google search will also show that no one can agree on the actual number of words in the current arabic quran. Different sources will give different numbers. Interesting, for an arabic book that is supposedly unchanged and unedited.





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A Concise Guide to the Quran
Answering Thirty Critical Questions
By Ayman S. Ibrahim · 2020

Many manuscripts of the Quran written throughout Muslim history, when compared to one another, reveal ample differences, scribal errors, and obvious variants. Simply stated, what many call the unchanged, inerrant copy of the Quran is actually a twentieth century project. Not surprisingly, the editorial board responsible for the 1924 project stated in the final copy that the project was a result of significant concerns among Muslims regarding “errors” in copies previously used in Egypt’s local schools. Nonetheless, most Muslims do not recognize this history and consider the 1924 Royal Cairo Edition of the Quran textus receptus (received text) that existed throughout Islamic history since Uthman. This copy has become the official Quran. -

You can read this book. Loofy and other moron moslems won't accept any evidence because in their hearts, their 1924 Cairo quran has been the same since the dinosaurs, let alone 7th century AD. They want to get into a debate where their arabic religion is the longest, best, strongest, most popular etc etc, regardless the facts.

You need to understand muslims' mindset, any valid evidence you present them they won't accept. But any falsehood serves to them by their clerics they will accept. Muslims are used to accept anything from their imams as they can't understand arabic and depend on the imams to interpret for them.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You need to understand muslims' mindset, any valid evidence you present them they won't accept. But any falsehood serves to them by their clerics they will accept. Muslims are used to accept anything from their imams as they can't understand arabic and depend on the imams to interpret for them.

In simple English: moslems suck their clerics' cocks.