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why mooselim don't burn bible in revenge for quran burning


Muslims are peaceful people, they would rather not burn the bible. They would prefer to kill or behead the infidels.



Muslims are peaceful people, they would rather not burn the bible. They would prefer to kill or behead the infidels.

No lah, they prefer to use long term projects to spread their love by making more babies with AMDL willingly or unwillingly ONLY

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
A bible is after all a book with text. Burn it means nothing. It’s the Muslim that is sensitive to little things making them super annoying. Cannot eat this cannot say allah cannot this cannot that.


as per above topic

Because they knew Christians are not so petty and don't even care, LOL. It's just a farking fairy tale story book, burn already then print again, so many duplicate copies around, so what's there to get so worked up about?

Whereas to Muslims, esp. the extremists ones, the Quran represents the heart, soul, prophet Muhammad and Allah itself, like their flesh and blood. So burning it is a form of humiliation of their faith like declaring war on their religion and murdering their beloved favourite prophet and God.
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None of the above.

Allah has decreed in the Quran that he alone will preserve it. Thus Muslims have no worries when you burn it.

What happens is Allah's will. Just as the west invades the middle east to try to contain Islam, it spreads like wildfire back to the west.

The more you burn the Quran, and the more we make a fuss out of it, the more of you will read it, and the more of you will join us. It is of no benefit nor profit to us personally if you were to join, but for the love to see you in paradise instead of hellfire.

We too do not fall into the nasty habit of burning the scriptures of others. Just as we do not mock, slander, caricature, insult and destroy others religion's. We only state the facts as you see it.

Your God shat, isn't that right @JohnTan?


None of the above.

Allah has decreed in the Quran that he alone will preserve it. Thus Muslims have no worries when you burn it.
Are you sure your allah says he will preserve the quran only? Your allah actually says he will preserve the Bible as well.

Learn from this man. Even the best Muslim apologists dare not debate with him.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Allah has decreed in the Quran that he alone will preserve it.

Your moslem quran was preserved starting from 1924 in Cairo.

Check any museum. There's zero copies of Uthman's quran left.
Thus Muslims have no worries when you burn it.

Complete bullshit. Most moslems around the world protested and were visibly upset.

We too do not fall into the nasty habit of burning the scriptures of others. Just as we do not mock, slander, caricature, insult and destroy others religion's.


moslems habitually burn churches and temples, which include burning all scriptures stored in churches and temples.

moslems also habitually insult other religions and call it 'stating facts'
But moslems get offended and start blasphemy riots when others state facts about the true nature of islam and its founder, muhammad.

Your God shat, isn't that right @JohnTan?

Your 'prophet' was a pedophile. Isn't that right?


Are you sure your allah says he will preserve the quran only? Your allah actually says he will preserve the Bible as well.

Learn from this man. Even the best Muslim apologists dare not debate with him.

Show me where Allah says he will preserve the bible?

And this man?....The sheikh has run rings around him because he doesn't even know his bible.
That is why his videos are mostly a soliloquy or at best a debate with fake or ignorant Muslims.
He should try harder and invite scholars instead of laymen.


Your moslem quran was preserved starting from 1924 in Cairo.

Check any museum. There's zero copies of Uthman's quran left.

Complete bullshit. Most moslems around the world protested and were visibly upset.


moslems habitually burn churches and temples, which include burning all scriptures stored in churches and temples.

moslems also habitually insult other religions and call it 'stating facts'
But moslems get offended and start blasphemy riots when others state facts about the true nature of islam and its founder, muhammad.

Your 'prophet' was a pedophile. Isn't that right?
Poor JT
He can't answer the question.

Muslims are unanimous in agreement that the Quran is unadulterated since the time it was revealed.
You however cannot deny the bible is contradictory, copied, corrupted, adulterated, changed, mistranslated, verses added and taken away. Please categorically deny this.

Quran 15:9
"It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it."

Muslims have no interests in burning or destroying churches and temples. Hindoos and christians do that.

And we Muslims, call out your facts, thing that you agree with, like, your God shat. You don't like us repeating what you believe?

And when you lie about the prophet and dishonour him, of course we will get upset. See the contrast? You wouldn't bat an eyelid if someone says your God shat, or say Jesus is gay!

The prophet consummated his marriages after all his wives are past puberty.

Right, as demonstrated, we Muslims will categorically affirm or deny.
Something you fudging christians will forever be having difficulty to. You love being vague, like Jesus is God, Jesus was crucified, but God didn't die.
Urghhh...the mental retardation that takes your IQ back to single digits.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Muslims are unanimous in agreement that the Quran is unadulterated since the time it was revealed.
Not according to the moslem scholars who were at the Cairo conference in 1924 to standardize the various qurans.
Your current moslem scholars are too ashamed of their quran to tell the truth.

Muslims have no interests in burning or destroying churches and temples.

You don't get tired of telling lies to defend your mohammedan religion?

A church burnt by a mob of angry Muslims, who attacked Christians for a new - alleged - case of blasphemy. This is what happened yesterday afternoon in a village in Punjab, Pakistan, where the Christian community was targeted by Islamic extremists.



Not according to the moslem scholars who were at the Cairo conference in 1924 to standardize the various qurans.
Your current moslem scholars are too ashamed of their quran to tell the truth.

You don't get tired of telling lies to defend your mohammedan religion?

Doesn't it hurt you brain to be unable to rationalize why a Qurans pre and post 1924 is exactly the same?
I guess it's the same irrationality into thinking bible is God's words uncorrupted.

A church burnt by a mob of angry Muslims, who attacked Christians for a new - alleged - case of blasphemy. This is what happened yesterday afternoon in a village in Punjab, Pakistan, where the Christian community was targeted by Islamic extremists.


Really? An Italian islamophobia site reporting on a Punjabi incident, and you really believe it?
Same irrationality again. Or desperation?


@JohnTan , you should list out the differences between the koran before and after 1924, then the islamist here will be dumbfounded.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
@JohnTan , you should list out the differences between the koran before and after 1924, then the islamist here will be dumbfounded.

View attachment 187357

Can be done but a bit troublesome. moslem scholars dumped a lot of their earlier qurans into the Nile once the 1924 cairo edition was published. It's mentioned somewhere in the Wikipedia site you screenshot from.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Doesn't it hurt you brain to be unable to rationalize why a Qurans pre and post 1924 is exactly the same?

It must hurt your brain to know that your quran is only 100 years old.

If pre-1924 and post-1924 qurans are the same, then moslem scholars wouldn't bothered to gather in Cairo to standardise the various qurans.


Can be done but a bit troublesome. moslem scholars dumped a lot of their earlier qurans into the Nile once the 1924 cairo edition was published. It's mentioned somewhere in the Wikipedia site you screenshot from.
You can never defeat the Muslim apologists because they never let truth get in the way of their taqiya.