Honestly, I am fine with the Malays, but I just cannot stand it when some Malays tell me that Singapore is Malay Land and they are entitled to whatsoever Privileges.
One example in the past was that all Malays were given free University Education. When the Government withdrew this Privileges back in the 80s and only pay for the poor Malays, some Malays KPKB and said that their right. I just told them off that it is unfair to all other the races if Government pay the University Fees of Richer or upper middle income Malays while the poor Chinese and Indians have to fend for themselves.
Also I am especially annoyed when some chumps including Sam tells me that Singapore is Malay Land!!! Malay Land my arse!!! Which part of the word SOLD they do not understand? Singapore belongs to all races, Chinese, Malaysia, Indians and others. Not just one particular race! Limpei say this here, limpei say this in public if any chump were to tell me this crap about Malay Land.