Not only sold but they kicked out Sg from mudland if Sg wasn't kicked out it would still be under bump shit laws.
Mats are nice people. They kindly allow other races to earn more money and be smarter than them so that they can work in jobs which no one else like. Eg collect rubbish Then and deliver pizzas now.
You can see the way m&ds like whoami act. Have you ever seen him write i hope to live in harmony with my chinese frens, neighbours etc. Never. He's always blaming chinese and complaining of racism over every small thing and being an asshole all the time.
Singapore is not the same as Tonychat's country. We are not Malay Land cos the Malays SOLD Singapore to the Brits in 1824!!
In 1963, the Brits gave Singapore independence to join Malaysia. In 1965, Tonychat's masters kicked us out of the Federation!!
Effectively Singapore is an independent nation belonging to all races!!! Chinese, Malays and Indians!!
Those who thinks that Singapore is Malay Land, Chinese Land or Indian Land, please feel free to fuck back to Malaysia, China or India respectively and live in your whatsoever land!!
Also, our not forgetting our Malaysia Chinese Tonychat (Mr Anti Singapore/Singaporeans) should fuck home to Malaysia too!!
Why dun you just say it out whether we should feel sorry for our malay countrymen?
Why go one big circle to ask a simple question?
ALL taxi drivers will agree that Malay passengers are the best! U can ask any of your friends who are taxi drivers. When it comes to travel (e.g. taxi) and makan, Malays don't complain and question so much. They are very chin chai.
like that next time i dont dare order pizza already.sure got extra ingredient
You can start ordering immediately when you see MMVPAP post in here. Means that he is likely on off day!
CB, just yesterday was at the temple praying just before CNY.
I parked my car along the service road and not causing obstruction.
Then this Mat traffic warden came and want to summon the cars...I told him that we are having prayer session in the temple.
He act bodoh and tell me to park at the nearby public carpark...I think the nearest one is probably 20mins walk from the temple.
KNN...friday prayer they get away with illegal parking but they try to find opportunity when others are doing their religious obligation.
Ok...... In any case this is just purely your own conjecture that all malays are more chin chai compared to chinese for example but let's leave that aside. Just curious what does that have to do with this topic here at all? Nothing. Are you somehow insinuating that malays are more chin chai and that somehow makes them the bestbecause you know chinese passengers are super fussy i guess and complain a lot it changes the fact that malays get special treatment and keep on demanding them all because they happen to have lived here longer than the others?
You're just like the people i mentioned earlier. Meet one nice malay and think all malays are nice but malays being minorities and surely have met many nice chinese somehow always blame chinese for everything notice the contrast.
Based on personal experiences as i have been working in the service sector for many years since young and interacting with different people from different ethnic groups. The post was made in response to a previous post which dealt with the friendly nature of the Malays. I am not insinuating Chinese passengers are fussywhile there are other 'guess-what-race' passengers which Taxi will avoid picking up unless their earnings are low that day. Of course there are very nice Chinese and even FTs that tipped like $50 to my taxi fren. Anyway, back to the correct topic, I accept the fact that there is concession for the Malays during prayer time. Its perfectly alright - a Chinese muslim can also enjoy this privilege, right? It is a convenience for the mosque goers to return to work quickly. We are all Singaporeans and this is a concession extended to some members of the family.
Ok firstly your entire post is out of context. I don't even know why you need to bring in malays being the best yes in your own words the best type of passengers for taxi drivers. Read #65 for the post you made. Let's deal with the topic of malays and taxi passengers. See the post of yours that i am quoting here. You claim you have chinese and foreigners that even tipped 50 to your taxi fren so what does this show? It proves that post #65 of yours is wrong then. Post #73 contridicts post #65 so according to post #73 malays aren't the best passengers after all.
Ok now that this is out of the way bringing in something totally unrelated to this topic here about the unfair privileges given to malays and also how they always have the "me me me" mentality and victimization mentality and treat chinese as enemies i don't see how your unsubstaniated claim of malays being the "best" taxi passengers have anything to do with this like it changes things around.
Finally i am not sure if a chinese muslim will get the same treatment as the malay muslims cos they issue tickets based on the appearance of the person. It isn't a concession it's plain biasness and i don't see why only muslims should somehow be allowed to flout the laws and people of other religious beliefs get punished. You seem pretty ok with this discriminatory practice. I suppose it's ok because according to you malays are the "best" passengers for taxis.![]()
Para 1: ok lah, I am very confused by the referencing of the various posts, anyway everyone is a good passenger lah![]()
Para 2: when I flout the law, I kenna fine, I deserve it. right? The LTA officer is doing his duty, to park in that area is illegal. OP need not bring in the racial element into it and I don't see where the "me me me" mentality in this episode. Perhaps it is the OP whose "me me me" victimised mentality of being fined makes him believe he deserve not to be fine cos of the concession.
Para 3: I am ok with this concession - yes the malays are best passengers, they take taxis to the mosque not to get in the way of the LTA warden![]()
U all ever know why m&d call giao tor? Gior tor means dig earth?
Co's during Japanese occupation, m&ds dig graves to burried cinas. That's why call giow tor.
so any guys kena summon ticket for illegal parking ..yesterday is Ti Gong birthday.
if yes..kee chiu here