That is what he has been doing since day one.
Except that the spams used to be line after line of meaningless words without punctuation, or some news that he knew everyone had no interest in, but still posted in order to irritate and annoy, so that he can report to his masters that he had distracted the peasants from any government missteps or wrongdoing, while licking their perineums. (which for those of you who still don't know, is that area between their balls and assholes - very sweaty and stinky and a favourite of PAWS like kopisaichwee)
this one is the worst kind - the intellectual blackmailer, the shit stirrer and the agent provocateur in this forum. he and his clone hunting and naming people, nailing people, identifying cyber persona with real life and fuck people's families and wives and children- this one is the MOST DANGEROUS FORUMMER IN THIS CYBERSPACE - beware and be careful of this diabolical intellectual evil!!!
one by one...crawling out from their sewage pipes - true colours in full display....
sometimes you have to hit back after decades of bullying and fucking...
enough is here goes the mantra.....good afternoon TUESDAY singapore!!!!
dont have to be paiseh...stupid means stupid, no paiseh wan...ok...go dog fuck ok
you see what i mean? this mothefucking JW5 - biggest bully in this forum - the most evil the dirtiest perineum !
I H P incarnate..diabolical, sinister, cunning, evil and seah you lan lah!!!
one comment , jw5 blew his fucking top...when he lost out...a gentleman became a GENITALMAN....
all his intellect and all his poetic prowess
all gone down like unstoppable lausai
and also out jumped this fucking spider
and more from this great clone hunter -
more vicious mothefucking shit....this hypocrite
this blatant liar, this big street bully , this motherfucking I H P ...
deserved to be detained in the 99 hells of eternal torture and fire
talking about helping singapore
talkikng about building a wonderful singapore
lampar you this type of singaporean, singapore long long dies liao
number motherfucking bully in this forum
swear no profanities and no vulgarities
but became one motherfucking vulval mouth...pui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I H P go fuck dog!!!!!!!!!! pui!!!!!!!!!!!!jw5 go dog fuck...pui!!!!!TFBH go dogs fuck!!!! PUI!!!
nARONG go horse fuck....and all the ChowCCb with that fucking LensMans go donkeys and horses fuck ...PHUI!!!!