Tks for all the tips on juicing, johnny.
If one is in normal health and can get his intake of vitamins and proteins via the normal way of eating veggies and fruits, it is of course better. That way, he wont end up taking too much of a good thing, like too cool or too heaty, which you can end up doing by juicing, because the natural process in the body will do the clearing. If one has problems like cancer and diabetes,and the body cant digest via the normal route, then juicing is the way to ensure the body gets enough nutrients.
Juicing can result in taking too much too fast and one can also become hungrier faster, once the natural sugars are consumed by the body as it is easier to do so in juiced form.
I suppose one can have a balanced approach like mixing in half juicing way of life and half normal food intake of nutrients.
I have never really tried juicing on a regular basis, and I didnt like it the few times when everything becomes a liquid with the 'fishiness' of raw veggies etc.