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Why is the banking system so fragile ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fiat money system, do you trust it?

It's fractional reserve banking and the usury (interest) system. Lending money you don't have to charge a 'tax' on the money you already have. :cool:

Shakespeare already tried to warn you about it a long time ago. Nobody reads basic English literature these days? :biggrin:



It's fractional reserve banking and the usury (interest) system. Lending money you don't have to charge a 'tax' on the money you already have. :cool:

Shakespeare already tried to warn you about it a long time ago. Nobody reads basic English literature these days? :biggrin:

When presented with the Islamic financial system where there will be no effects of boom and bust cycles of recession and inflation, social justice where every levels of society are equitably taken care of, they refuse and act deaf, dumb and blind.
Quran 2:18
They are ˹wilfully˺ deaf, dumb, and blind, so they will never return ˹to the Right Path˺.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wokesters and libtards are destroying everything, including pop culture and even entire countries. :cool:

Take heed before you preach more 'diversity', 'inclusion', 'equity' etc. All the usual bullshit corporate buzzwords. :wink:



Good news. Feds will be bailing out SVB! For idiots, this means they are socialising the costs to taxpayers.

Which ultimately will shoot interests rates through the roof!
Hooray!!! More Supermans will be jumping out of overpriced overgeared condo windows!!!

What a glorious future! Buy shares in funeral services!