hello, who knows why is funeral necessary after one dies?
is it one of the tradition? if so, the reason?
The short answer is this - It is not necessary at all.
So, why does every dead person have a funeral?
Tons of reasons but I'll just list a few:
1) Pay last respects. Now, this is strange. If you had been respected whilst you were alive, that should be good enough. If you hadn't got respected whilst you were alive, what's the point of this last respect? Gee, I don't get it.
2) Last spiritual rites (whatever the religion). I think this is also pointless. whatever good or bad you did in your life, there's no way you can change that. Not even the last rites. This is just a hope on the part of the living that the soul would be cleansed in preparation for next life (next life of cos means differently for different religions)
3) To collect condolence $$. I can understand this is necessary for the poorer families but then again, if there's no funeral there's not much expenses.

4) Create business for funeral parlors, monks, caterers, etc,etc. This is big business so I don't think it will disappear anytime soon.

5) Family and friends gathering. A lot of people actually enjoy attending such gatherings. It's party time!