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Why ICA Wish My Baby DEATH?


Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR>Cos she holds a pink IC?

Baby's birth cert reverses parental joy
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<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->THE arrival of my newborn daughter was a source of joy for my wife and myself - until I went to obtain her birth certificate from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
To my horror, she was given the number T08-XX444X. As Chinese Singaporeans are aware, the number four suggests death, and implies misfortune.
I appealed to the ICA officer, also a Chinese Singaporean who understood my discomfiture. But she firmly rejected my plea because rules were rules, I was told. Subsequently, I appealed to a superior officer and waited an agonising week, making several calls in between, only to be given the same answer.
I grant that sticking to a system of rules is important. But so too is crafting exceptions which humanise the system.
My wife and I took great pains to craft our daughter's name, consulting time-honoured cultural principles, because we wanted an auspicious life for her. Imagine having a birth certificate number like 444 which counters all that.
A birth certificate is a personal and important life-long document.
A system which forces officers to stick rigidly to the rulebook without due regard for cultural sensitivities is not a good one. Rules are made to serve citizens and not the other way round.
I'm not giving up. I hope that my daughter can be given a more appropriate birth certificate number and I'm not asking for very auspicious figures.
Joseph Tan


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Cos she holds a pink IC?

Baby's birth cert reverses parental joy
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I've never heard such crap in all my life. What does a freakin' set of numbers have to do with anyones destiny???:rolleyes:

Multiple world MotoGP champion Valentino Rossi races with the number 46.


This guy is superstitious. the number is in the middle only, together with other numbers.

So should he be happy if there is a 8888 somewhere? what a joker.


Hey Joseph, there are 7 holes on your daughter face ... perhaps you could dig an extra one to make it 8.


If that idiot daughter's cert end with 666, then he will said it devil number, if it end with 333 then he will claim that it is half of the devil. How about ending with 999.... maybe he will accept it cause it is an upright devil.....:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


This stupid article completes my day. No, my whole week.

No wonder we have to import FTs to replace us. Everything indeed happens for a reason.


The woman is only causing herself the misery.... if only she stop being superstitiuous.. then she won't stress herself like this....


I Don't blame the mother. I blame the grand parents for drilling into their minds the uselessness of superstition.

Obviously the parents of the newborn must have had a good name, a good IC no, etc but see how it all turned out? She a nobody. In the end the baby will turn out to be nobodies too after the superstition brainwashing.

Yhey are no different from a tribe in the jungle who practise eating deceased human brains thinking i will ring them prosperity. Even PRCs do't believe it anymore.



The things people take great pains to do to tell the whole world they are a bunch of idiots

Does he think by writing in there will be more sympathy?



The things people take great pains to do to tell the whole world they are a bunch of idiots

Does he think by writing in there will be more sympathy?


I don't think he was trying to get sympathy. He was trying to give others a good laugh.


rarely that I call someone stupid idiot but this guy is an exception

is there a way to bring forth public opinion to this stupid idiot

High till Dry

then all those who was born in year '74 all deserved to die (in chinese) and all those born in '78 are all chee byes? :biggrin:


Why ICA Wish My Baby DEATH?
Joseph Tan

Dear Joseph Tan,

if you discard away your age old traditional superstituous thinking, and embrace Jesus, probably you wouldn't think about it this way. whether is it one or 3 4s, will have no impact on your beliefs. after all its just number. like many people thought 2008 is the lucky year, in fact is fraught with disasters and after disasters, may it be natural or financial, which cause untold suffering to many people.

open your minds and explore the possibilities than dwelling on petty matters like some stupid numbers! because in asia that number may sound "unlucky" but on the other side of the continent, is a lucky number indeed! please ask Satan to go fly a kite!


Give that guy a break lah. When you have your first kid you will always be kancheong. I can understand. After a while he will look back and laugh at himself and say WTF, I so goodu one meh?:biggrin:


Then all those born in 89 means "F@#%$ U"?? :p

88 means huat huat. Must ask those born in year 44 still alive and kicking or not.

Terribly superstitous until can write in like that .. tsk tsk. My daughter's BC ends in 44A which looks like 444. Never gave it a second look. Her life is what she makes it to be. :smile:

No point having a BC reading 888888 when the parents are shit.