whoami. by 1400 AD the world knows more than you give it credit for. Not just Chinese know about stars. Many others did. You hold Islam in a superior light it does not deserve. Got more free time to think clearly.
I've just come to a conclusion already. I will summarize it here.
Islam is a 3rd derivative from Judaism. Christianity is the 2nd. It refines on each previous iteration to gain more followers, but it is nothing but a Jew-created ideology. Exactly like communism. It promises God's grace which is no human's right.
If god exists which I believe but cannot prove, all Abrahamic religions are the ultimate blasphemy.
Using god's name to further one's own goals. Namely the elders of the religion. They use it for fame, money, power and women. Whether we know about it or not doesn't matter. Religion has and always will be about those things.
Furthermore at this point, I would like to point out that almost all the things you complain about regarding Israel and the US, Islam is equally guilty of. In my view, you are biased as a religious follower. Everytime you complain about the US and Israel I support you. Why? Because it's true and they stand to be criticized. You are unfair. If you are Muslim you seem to support Islam to the ends of the Earth no matter the crime. I will not and this is why I differ from you. I will not take sides unless it is ethical and justifiable.
Especially in the eyes of God or gods.
Not my place to say what god will do for you or not. And especially not for any other human. Now that I realize it, I find it utterly disgusting that these people dare to offer afterlife insurance to people scared of hell. They are taking advantage of your fear. You are better than that. I will reference those naked Malay women. If it's my own grandma I will be proud of her. Proud and pure. Why need to be ashamed? No need to bend head in shame and grovel many times a day to please Middle Eastern religion towkay.
Come to think of it, if I am Malay, I will start a movement to reclaim my birthright and heritage. Like how the Scandinavians rejecting Christianity. But since I am not, people will say I am kaypoh and as Chinese none of my business. So I will diam diam outside.
Hey. Side note. You ever figure out where diam diam came from? Sampan? Perahu?
Just to be clear I am stating again what I pm'ed you. God is not for anyone else to dictate to you. It is between you and god. Not for me and any religion to decide. Your relationship with your father or son you let some Arab decide for you? If not then why let them decide between god and you. I am on the whole grateful to Malays and will defend them against racism, but I will not defend some ridiculous charlatans claiming to represent god. No human can.
I suppose the following should have gone somewhere in the middle of the post, but I will not defend Chinese who speak Mandarin and support communism. It is exactly the same as Malays following Islam. Please think about how they are alike.
As always, my respects to you for the good you do in your life, but I don't support religion=communism.