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both generals hv not fought any single war but promoted skyhigh............ wah beer enuf fo sooth your heart!
Lets face it, Gay Loong is 64
Just my 2 cents
Lee Suet Fern has not aged well, she used to be quite jude in her younger days.
Lets face it, Gay Loong is 64 this year and has had several bouts of cancer. To date, his sons have not been advanced into the political arena as a possible successor to him. His time is running out. He is not going to serve till his 80s like his papa. Not sure if he will live pass 75. There are now elements in the PAP jockeying for position to see who can win the plum. Sinkieland has always been ruled by a strongman and personality cult since independence. Singaporeans know no other way. There is no knowledge of the fundamentals of consensus building, nor real decisions reached by democratic process, nor even meritorious service where truly qualified people are appointed. Gay Loong is neither a strongman in the style of his father nor is he a consensus builder.
Insiders are now seriously looking at who is the next successor. They are trying to test him to see how much and how they can undermine him. Naturally, when you test someone like Gay Loong, you don't do so against him directly or even his wife. But you test against his peripheral family members like LWL and LSF. So far, it seems the apunehs are the testers, what with Shan using his proxy the Law Ministry to whack LSF. And Ivan in SPH whacking LWL. Let's face it, someone at SPH can easily inform Shan that they will not run an article embarrassing LSF, but instead, they went ahead and ran it. Who is controlling SPH? The PMO or the Law Ministry? Additionally, who has the most to lose from the current gay loong parachuting SAF Scholar generals into all manners of Ministry, stat boards and GLCs. Its professionals like Shan, who work their way up from law school. You cannot parachute a SAF scholar into his ministry to run it, that is just not possible. But he must have been tulan to see more and more unqualified sychophants going into all these ministries. Sure, he can put an end to it if he was the next PM, and he is a strong dictatorial type too. Anyhow, Interesting questions and I await further developments.
Just my 2 cents
I find this new development regarding Lim Suet Fern quite interesting. And i believe there is a tie in to what is happening to LWL's story too. It seems like the Lee immediate family is not getting their way anymore and has not appeared to be getting their way for the last few years, since the Old Fart became very sick. Not only that, elements of the govt are going out of their way to fuck with members of the Lee immediate family. What is going on? Under old fart, no one will dare to even utter anything resembling disrespect to them. But now, it seems like its SOP.
LSF simply gave a talk last month to the Law Society in which she rightfully claims that the QFLP program has not benefited any local lawyers at all. She is right in this. But the Ministry of Law could have left it at that. Why bother to rebut it in the open press, on national media. In fact, if the MOL did not bring this up themselves, we would not even have heard that she made those comments. This is different from LWL's FB where she has donkey thousands of followers, and anything she puts in it has a wide readership, and could force the govt to comment or rebut. But in LSF's case, the speech was given to a close door of lawyers. I am not aware that members of the public could attend and therefore the contents of the Law Society conference was not commonly known. Then why did Shan play punk and come out and clearly embarrassed LSF? How did he embarrass her? Well, his comments basically said if the program of QLFP is such a failure, then why did you apply for it in 2014? And not only that, Shan mentioned that LSF, Old Fart's own DIL, was turned down for the QLFP program. Are you fucking serious? Shan got so much balls to do this? If Old Fart was still kicking, active and a MM, do you think that Shan even has a chance at all in retaining his law portfolio after he refuses LSF? Ok, I understand that he (when I say he, I mean the Law Ministry too as I am sure anything communicated by the Ministry comes from him) can mention that LSF applied for the QLFP in 2014. No problems to say that. But then he deliberately mentions that she was declined by him. Hahahahhaha. That is really sticking it to her. His claims that she did not apply in time and what not, but seriously, in the old days, where got such issues. If she wants it, she gets it.
I was sure it going to happen sooner or later and now it has already started. What am I talking about? I am talking about the "Testing". This is the part where now that old fart is gone, various people in the govt will take their chance and test their limit with Gay Loong, just to see how far they can go and what they can get away with. Under old man, the answers was not very far and nothing. I think members of govt know that Gay Loong is not the presence that his father was. I expect more of these sort of tests. e.g SPH editor daring to accuse LWL of plagiarizing. How much control Gay Loong can exercise over his minions will determine what happens in the future.
Just my 2 cents
Lim later Lee Suet Fern is the brains behind the LHY side. It's her genes than produced sons like Shengwu.
I view this matter differently. I believe Shan had the blessings of Pinky to tekan LSF. Maybe even HC. While Pinky is definitely a weak leader, there are still unwritten rules governing responses to the Lee family. Appears to me that LHY, through his wife, has now joined hands with sister LWL to go into combat with Pinky and Jinx.
is shengwu more intelligent than any of our dynamic trio?
Lim later Lee Suet Fern is the brains behind the LHY side. It's her genes than produced sons like Shengwu.
Hi bro, always enjoy reading your comment.
I view this matter differently. I believe Shan had the blessings of Pinky to tekan LSF. Maybe even HC. While Pinky is definitely a weak leader, there are still unwritten rules governing responses to the Lee family. Appears to me that LHY, through his wife, has now joined hands with sister LWL to go into combat with Pinky and Jinx.
interesting article.
if you want..google translate.
WP is being suaned...
2016年4月24日 第30卷 16期
為證明自己控訴《海峽時報》剝奪自由表達權的合理性,李瑋玲將自己跟《海峽時報》副總編輯費南德茲(Ivan Fernandez,她文章的負責編輯)往來的電郵串公開在自己臉書上,「讓公眾自行判斷」。
由 這些電郵看來,原已確定會刊登(關於李瑋玲反對大肆紀念李光耀逝世一週年活動)的文章,李瑋玲後來要求加入毛澤東和邱吉爾死後紀念活動的部分作為對比,但 費南德茲不同意,要求根據先前編輯過的版本刊登。見報前兩天,兩人對李瑋玲要在自己的網絡空間發布自己認為的完整版本沒有大歧見,然而費南德茲在見報前一 日一早再給李瑋玲一信,指稱對報社來說,在見報版本之外若有另一個「未編輯的網絡版本,「是不公平的」。他建議李瑋玲若不同意編輯過的版本見報,可以撤稿 自行在網上發布。
六 十一歲的她隨即筆鋒一轉,矛頭指向六十四歲的總理哥哥李顯龍:「我同HL(顯龍)在原則問題上不和。HL在LKY(李光耀)死後一年無疑就濫用他的權力舉 辦紀念活動,『以免我們忘記』。現實點吧,去年那麼大的事件,無人會在一年後就忘記。但如果這個權力他要建立一個王朝(dynasty),LKY的女兒不 會允許LKY的名字遭一個不名譽(dishonorable)的兒子玷污。」
數 小時後,李顯龍在自己臉書發帖回應,對妹妹指他「濫權舉辦一週年紀念活動以建立王朝」的說法深感難過,「此一指控完全不實」。他在大概兩百字的短文中解 釋,人過世後一週年是重要時刻,對李光耀尤其如此,內閣曾討論如何紀念。「我的建議是應該由基層去做,各團體應該注意比例,聚焦未來。」他說內閣都了解新 加坡民眾表達敬意的願望,對基層提上來的各種計劃也認為大致恰當。
綜 合長期觀察獅城政治人士的意見,統而言之,此事雖被不少人視為家庭糾紛,但因為李家在新加坡屬於長期統治的第一家庭,事件透露的訊息斷不可輕忽,否則即是 在政治上無知。僅從李瑋玲及李顯龍妻子何晶在事件中的表現(何晶插曲另文介紹),即可知該國的「峇迪幕政治」背後存在耐人尋味的一面。
從沒 結婚的李瑋玲作為李光耀夫婦最疼愛的孩子,也是老人家晚年長期的照護者,她的「王朝說」可能不是任性的發作。李瑋玲健康有問題是半公開之事(唯外界不知什 麼問題),也遺傳其父的閱讀障礙症,但身為高級知識分子,其思想意識正常,這可從她事後接受《亞洲華爾街日報》訪問時並不多說,可見一斑,她僅僅表示「這 是新加坡人的事務。我只是要堅持真理」。李光耀政敵惹耶勒南之子肯尼斯就說,官方公關高層此前對李瑋玲行文表示「如霧裏行舟」,是攻擊其健康弱點的低級做 法。如今又有人指其「抄襲」,一些人不免開始關注這位腦神經科醫生的李瑋玲的處境。
網媒「中間地帶」(The Middle Ground)創辦人柏莎漢森在風波告一段落後給李瑋玲的公開信中支持李的說法,認為如此盛大的慶祝活動,尤其是將禮砲彈殼如糖果般送給特定人士的做法, 必定獲官方同意。她進一步指出,超過五十年的統治讓政府在公與私領域、人民與組織領域已經糾纏不清,以至於連總理的妹妹都搞不清楚「使用」與「濫用」的界 線。「這就是濫用」,她說。
無 論真相是什麼,民間反對者普遍的批評是,「建立王朝」的意識根本是從李瑋玲爸爸就開始,他處心積慮將兒子引入政壇直至親眼見證他繼承總理大位,長期以來對 於在此事上提出批評的人士同外國傳媒,以誹謗訴訟逼人屈服。如今此事出自李瑋玲口中,網民紛紛要求李顯龍以相同待遇控告她,理由是若果一個簡單回覆即可消 除民間疑慮,過去在法庭上滔滔雄辯的起訴和求償未免說不過去,人們因此在觀望過去被告而賠償的國際傳媒是否會有後續動作。
亦有人指出,李顯 龍同弟妹的關係不佳應該非今日始,有官場內部人士觀察到,兩弟妹的不滿也包括跟嫂嫂不咬弦。兩弟妹在父親祖居的處理問題上,立場與大哥也不相同。李顯龍在 回覆帖文中雖澄清無人會容忍建立王朝的企圖,但也未明確說自己兒子不會從政,就如李光耀好友蔣經國一樣明確。執政黨總是把自己推出的高官人選說成國家如何 不可或缺的精英。
與此同時,觀察家也指出,李家第三代進入仕途亦可能面對黨內反對者阻 撓。副總理尚達曼去年曾在歐洲表示,李家第三代若出來,將是「最不尋常」的現象。但反對者在黨內至今應該未集結成共識。若有人謀劃推舉,則持續保持李光耀 光環的照耀,直到第三代出來,將是必要的程序。若一切只是李瑋玲無中生有、任性胡說,則不啻是茶杯裏的風波,但也令人看到李家政壇外的人如何影響國家。
網 民對事件提出的質問還包括:李顯龍並沒有回答他有沒有針對妹妹的文章向《海峽時報》高層施壓。事件一開始就揭露從李光耀時代對傳媒的掌控與指揮這一事實, 到今日依然如此。新加坡在國際上樣樣第一,但在世界新聞自由排名中,去年落在俄羅斯之後,第一百五十三名。有國際傳媒人士指出,經常指責傳媒的國會唯一反 對黨工人黨,對事件揭露的真相表現一如既往的沉默,「好難理解」。■
GD, I have a sneaky suspicion that Gay Loong has been played. when in doubt, always follow the money, in this case the winners and the losers. The Loser is clearly Gay Loong. Here is a PM, and international figure, and his family laundry is aired very publicly. The damage to his face, and prestige is huge. Major publications like WSJ and media like CNN and BBC are giving this family feud major coverage. If you are his private secretary, you would not have let it get this far. The interesting point now is, who is the winner or winners? Someone in my opinion manipulated and played Gay Loong into having all this come out in the open. Cannot be Chee because he don't have the string to pull for this. He might be a beneficiary if people start believing that Gay Loong is really "dishonourable", and ends up winning BB. But not likely him. So, there is some puppet masters or one puppet master in the background. Gay Loong better have a cabinet meeting and lay the law down. He should look around the table and pound his fists and say..........No more leaks, no more embarrassing articles or comments in SPH, no more media play for members of his family, and someone please fucking delete Whore Jinx twitter account.