Its possible, but this should be the role of the Principal Private Secretary, a rank roughly equivalent to a Perm Sec or DY Perm Sec. The way the PAP is set up is a detriment to them too. They rotate their PPS and even Perm Secs on 2 or 3 year rotations. eg.Ng How Yue (kate spade tin's husband) was only Gay Loong's PPS for 3 years from 2008 to 2011. And before him, Lawrence Wong was PPS from 2005 to 2008. Penang Khaw was GCT's PPS from 1992 to 1995. PPS should be a person that follows the PM throughout his political career and through all the administrations that he leads. They should be on the same team. They should know each other like the back of their hands, and they should be like a confidant and right hand man. The PAP fuck themselves over by this rotation. Just when they can handle the job, they are transferred out. The PPS should be the ears and eyes of the PM and gate keeper for access of people and info to him. For many years, the eyes and ears of Old Fart was Hockstadt. He floated among various ministries, and knew everyone. He had an open door access to the PM's Office. Old Fart always knew what was going on thru people like Hockstadt. I don't think Gay Loong has such individuals working for him, and hence he is less able to control all this shit swirling around him between his sister and himself.