My question was how many Angmoh's from 1st world countries are rushing to get the Singapore Pink IC and giving up their Angmoh country's citizenship because Singapore is so GOOD and No. 1 in the world.
To answer your question.....there are 39144 OZ born pp migrated out of OZ, and 2974 of them came to singapore.....
Emigration by Australian-born Surprise!!
Where smiles and gracious behaviour are concerned, Singapore has LOTS to catch up and learn from NZ. Those who have been to NZ will know what I am talking about. And I am not talking about getting smiles, courtesy and graciousness only at PUBS.
come on, if u r referring to older generation, i agree that most westerners are polite and gracious, but not the Gen x and y. Even the older british themselves commented their their own distingush character of 'gentleman behaviour ' cannot be found in younger british.
If u say we have lots to learn, then i believe china, taiwan, HK, malaysia, thailand, vietnam have more to learn from Singapore...
BTW, words like losers and quitters etc are used by desperate low class politicians who are clueless and cannot accept that the creme de la creme are voting with their feet and taking their CPF with them. Taking the CPF is the final slap in the PAP's face because it is an indication that one does not intend to return and that 1000 per year figure must be very unsettling to the PAP.
if u can write this statement, it shows that u r selfish, narrow-minded, and a complete idiot...low class politicians in japan, OZ, NZ, malaysia,etc are all worried of brain drain, not only PAP....
if you think CPF is the main concern of the PAP, then u r totally wrong, our reserve is more than enough to cover this punity losses...and dun take that those who chose the path of emigrating are creme de la creme, dun make my toes laugh...u mean those who apply as hairdressers, chefs, (Australia to amend immigration laws,December 18, 2008) are the creme??? hahaha....
Other desperate measures apart from name calling include a smear campaign of negative news in the media and internet forums to scare other Singaporeans from leaving. In a way that is good because it does screen off those gutless ones from leaving and acts as a QC that only the strong ones do leave.