Ok maybe I jumped the gun.
yes you did.
Please explain your morality and the source for it.
I'm not here to give a long lecture so I will try to keep it short and simple.
I try and find universal truths. Those which are not affected by factionalism. i.e. those that do not ask me to divide me and others on some arbitrary basis such as race or religion or even species. Those truths that no matter what happens will always remain true because truth is something that is not divisible nor negotiable unless you are making false claims. Truths such as the sun rises from the east and water runs downhill and fire will burn you.
One of these is the golden rule.
Another is equitable treatment.
A simple truth is every human has feelings and every human has to live a life until they pass on. Most humans have generally the same feelings. Exceptions will not be covered in this post.
So let's apply this to the following example. Say if you wanted an apple that fell from a tree and your brother saw it at the same time, what would be the best course of action. Keep it for yourself? Fight him for it? What if only he saw it? Should he keep it from me? So on and so forth.
As a starter, if you use the golden rule and balance that with equitable treatment, it progresses onto other things which I am not going to get into.
Abrahamic religions ignore and trample on the golden rule by definition. There is always the loyal believer and the outsider only worthy of death, enslavement and disrespect. The original is in the Torah and how goyim should be treated. Goyim includes all Muslims because they are not born to Jewish mothers. In Christianity's history, this has also been ignored because heathens are animals not worthy of being treated as humans. Now it's kafir the unbeliever. And please don't tell me what books say what because history is full of real-life examples.
Kafir, heathen or goyim, these people all have mothers, fathers, families, feelings and people they love who love them back. Should because they don't subscribe to a certain religion be subjected to all this inhumane treatment? Bombing of the Middle East? Beheading of kafirs? Raids on the West Bank?
As I said, Islam fails this test because like all Abrahamic religions, it relies on the specialness of it's teachings and it's followers. You are the only right teaching and the one's who follow are the only right followers. Everyone else is wrong. That's Jewish religious philosophy for you and precisely what justified them setting up Israel in the 1st place as an example. Change the faction name and the same thinking easily applies to Christianity and Islam. Even piece of shit communism is based on this specialness and rightness.
As a historical fact, it has been used to abuse many people. Many times. And no way will I subscribe to anything that has special treatment for one bunch of people derived solely at the expense of another bunch of people. This is why with this kind of thinking there will never be peace.
And why I always find it funny that you are always fighting johntan. He thinks he's from the right faction as do you. Neither of you are willing to see each other as the same. And if you're sunni, you will be fighting a shia. or a jew. or a kafir. because you are more right, they are wrong.