loosers are those who used four letter words without restrain. because they cannot argue properly.
Have you ever asked yourself WHY? And furthermore, you are not even a PAP IB. It's still not too late for you to show remorse and repent.
i thought loser is spelled with one "o".
who gives a flying fuck of what you think? And what makes you think that this is actually a bad thing? Your stupidity really shows a lot here.
why don't you ask yourself why you bend down to let your PAP master screw to earn a living?
I hate opposition supporters and their IBs, but I respect their freedom of speech.
PAP IBs and supporters, get this into your thick skull and let's be clear about this.
There is no such thing as an opposition internet brigade (IB).
If there is, it would have been reported.
There are only opposition supporters.
PAP IBs and supporters, you are just talking cock if you can't show us even a shred of report or link that any opposition party has an internet brigade (IB).
Whereas there are tons of articles written on PAP IB.
Here are just some of it:
................................Valid point is that there is no such thing as an Opposition IB.
But PAP IB are documented (see post #1).
Excerpt from Has the PAP Internet Brigade lost its teeth?
"According to MP Baey Yam Keng, who was supposed to co-head one of the two subcommittees of the PAP’s “new media” committee, “It was necessary for the PAP to have a voice in cyberspace as there were few in the online community who were pro-establishment.”
Rear-Admiral (NS) Lui Tuck Yew (Minister of State for Education) at a PAP party conference in Dec 2006 “called on younger activists to put up views to moderate the vitriol and balance the skewed comments on the Internet.”
"This so-called “PAP Internet Brigade” was also accused of creating multiple monikers in various internet forums such as the once-popular Sammyboy Alfresco Coffeeshop forum and disrupting threads critical of the PAP by engaging in flame wars, personal attacks, defamatory statements, and impersonations."
Another article, THE ETHICS OF THE PAP INTERNET BRIGADE, describes the characteristics of PAP IB and raise the question of who is paying
"Different identities notwithstanding, the PAP IB members share the same beliefs:
1. Blind allegiance to the PAP;
2. Belief in the PAP's hegemony; and
3. Desire to see opposition and democratic politics snuffed out.
For its lack of intelligence and inability to argue on the more substantive level involving policies and politics and its preoccupation with ridiculing and destroying the opposition and PAP's critics, the PAP IB is more a bane than boon to Singapore's democratic iwell-being and growth."
Unless somebody shows us evidence of an Opposition IB, otherwise he is talking cock. Period.
With you it's mind over matter for me.....
I dun mind coz you dun matter shit
Looks like we have a very pitiful Dingo infected with rabies here. I should call the Aussie SPCA to have it captured and put to sleep before it starts attacking innocent forumers in this forum.who gives a flying fuck of what you think? And what makes you think that this is actually a bad thing? Your stupidity really shows a lot here.
why don't you ask yourself why you bend down to let your PAP master screw to earn a living?
i thought loser is spelled with one "o".
For goodness sake, this Pundek TONYchat can't even spell "DIARY" from "DAIRY" previously. He should first be ashamed of himself before commenting on the English of others. This kind of Pundek dogs have no self-esteem. The same goes to his doggie siblings.Tonysai.let me guess.
u an indian ah pu neh rite?
For goodness sake, this Pundek TONYchat can't even spell "DIARY" from "DAIRY" previously. He should first be ashamed of himself before commenting on the English of others. This kind of Pundek dogs have no self-esteem. The same goes to his doggie siblings.
I m sure tonysai is an indian shit skin
vegetarian cow eater ah pu neh
Previously, I was anti-PAP if those who have read my old threads will realize. However, after seeing the selfishness, snobbishness and those "not-in-my-backyard" attitude of Sinkies, I have begun to admire and support the PAP so that they can continue to screw these Sinkies as long as they are in power, and which I believe they will for another 4 or 5 more elections at the least. And looking at the poor management of the WP presently, it gives me more inclination to support the PAP as no other opposition at the moment is capable of even being on par with the PAP.Don't talk cock. There's so many opposition members here to support loser Chee and loser Low. Some even sink that low as to support RP's KJ, aka as "KKJ". LOL! That loser is almost as bad as lose-your-deposit Desmond Lim. How can there not be an opposition IB, when it comes to opposition grassroots, it is so non-existent compared to our excellent PA.
please dun insult my idol tonychat!
She really indian tranny.
Previously, I was anti-PAP if those who have read my old threads will realize. However, after seeing the selfishness, snobbishness and those "not-in-my-backyard" attitude of Sinkies, I have begun to admire and support the PAP so that they can continue to screw these Sinkies as long as they are in power, and which I believe they will for another 4 or 5 more elections at the least. And looking at the poor management of the WP presently, it gives me more inclination to support the PAP as no other opposition at the moment is capable of even being on par with the PAP.
Lastly, the government has been in an effective mode in correcting some of their past oversights in the infrastructures of Sinkie Land and I think just this alone will continue to win them loyalty from the elder generation.
PAP ib shit giving justification to play down his shameless ass offering to his PAP master. Nice try!!!!