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When Pinky, Jinx and familee go to the hawker centre to makan.....

syed putra

It's a security headache. Imagine the drivers looking for safe place to park. Plus security cars that comes along. Maybe out riders too.
Might as well eat at a hotel


Alfrescian (Inf)
We need someone in the crowd to shout 李总理万岁!
Follow the ways of the Great Motherland. After all, we're halfway there with POFMA, news more concerned with 'fact-checking' contrarian opinions instead of reporting the truth etc.



All these guards are for wayang only.
If really there is anyone with an average iq wants to assassinate he cannot escape.

Same for counter terrorism exercise and mock ups are for wayang only. If there are really terrorists in sg, no way can escape a suicide bomber.


Even residents of the zoo doesn't get this much attention.
I sense that every one gawking is seething inside and wished they could pour water or dump the rubbish bin on them.


Even residents of the zoo doesn't get this much attention.
I sense that every one gawking is seething inside and wished they could pour water or dump the rubbish bin on them.
As I have mentioned, the curiosity is definitely more than that of any animals in the zoo.
Who are the 2 toddlers ?
The orange and black tshirts are the maid ?
Why LHL also need to use indo maids and not sinkie nanny? How much are they paid ?
Do they get the same maid salary as a typical sinkie family or more from famiLEE ?


Who are the 2 toddlers ?
The orange and black tshirts are the maid ?
Why LHL also need to use indo maids and not sinkie nanny? How much are they paid ?
Do they get the same maid salary as a typical sinkie family or more from famiLEE ?
Many other questions will follow suit.
Does the ft maid need to get security clearance g50 done ? If yes is cat1 or 2 or 2a or 2b ?
Does the stall that served them food need to get the bacteria or poison level check passed first ?
Pls do not write off these questions because if not why would bodyguard needed ? Assassination can occur with all other means including food etc


why his pay so high need to eat at hawker centre?......wayang personified, and fuck his mother cheebye
Many other questions will follow suit.
Does the ft maid need to get security clearance g50 done ? If yes is cat1 or 2 or 2a or 2b ?
Does the stall that served them food need to get the bacteria or poison level check passed first ?
Pls do not write off these questions because if not why would bodyguard needed ? Assassination can occur with all other means including food etc
They prob threaten the stall.