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When can we get our SAFRA $100 vouchers ?


November lah

how to exchange for shopping vouchers ?

what kind of vouchers ?

how to cash out ah ?

need PayNow or something ?

last time i exchange for NTUC vouchers

Just find one of those machines at Sheng Siong and choose the "Others" option. Scan the QR code. I must look at the machine to do it. So long ago already.


November lah

how to exchange for shopping vouchers ?

what kind of vouchers ?

how to cash out ah ?

need PayNow or something ?

last time i exchange for NTUC vouchers
Last time I exchanged for shopping vouchers at any Fraser owned malls. Just go to the customer service counter.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The government should give vouchers on a monthly basis for citizens to cope with the high cost of living in sinkie. For a start maybe $500 every month.