mda and mindef give seed money to tiko neo which he used to make a movie which really not true about national service. it time to educate what is national service instead of the usual slapstick about recruits in tekong resort. NS is more that about tekong and what the proportion of singapore men went thru tekong in the first place. being post to tekong for bmt is the luckist thing to happen to a NS boy, as it mean he had to chance to be a blue beret instead of being in a combat units as combat units usually are mono-intake in the first place. then also each yr, thousands of the malays enlisted to the home team, they too never ever set foot on tekong yet when ppl tok NS, first thing always think of tekong.
it a pity that the sword of OSA hang above the head of all NSmen, instead of the usual BS mindef advertised for it 45yrs of NS, it would be great for all to shared their good and bad NS experiences to the rest of the nation.