You guys give really bad advice. I wonder if all of you are males giving bad advice because you are straight and don't understand a woman's heart, or a gay guy trying to sabo poor ole Krafty.
Firstly, it's the girl's character that determines her response to WHAT(EVER) you do.
If she's a bitch who collects men like the notches on her bedpost, too bad for you. You can be the sweetest guy on earth and she'll still chalk you up to one notch. So all that talk about "power" or confessing first really depends on the girl in question.
If she's a nice girl, she's probably stunned. Or she doesn't go church etc.
Secondly, it's not what the guy is like but what the girl likes that counts. If she's a hard core smoker, she'll be shoving your ciggies into her mouth faster than you can down your beer. So smoking is not a problem unless you two fight over cigarettes or she's one of those clean living types.
Thirdly, women and men change. A guy may be a sweet, home loving nerd in his twenties, but become a cheongster when he made his millions in his forties. So all that talk about women liking money and all is a little preliminary. Even if she's not a materialistic woman, she could become one if Krafty strikes Toto and all. One never knows.
So Krafty, I don't see why you are freakin' out about confessing your habits. Perhaps she's stunned that she found her soulmate because she's a closet smoker and guzzler who acts all goody two shoes?

Lastly, what's all the big deal about morning glory? Does she like it in the morning?

Aren't there pills for guys to eat if it's a problem.
So which churches has the hottest chicks? :p:p:p:p That's the most important part.