Avoid marriage, unless you want to get screwed over by the Women's Charter.
A man needs a wife like a fish needs a bicycle.
There is no need to restrict yourself to one legal pussy and then sign a contract while subjecting yourself to anti-male laws to attain one.
I invite you to go take a look at these sites:
http://happybachelor.proboards.com/ (requires account registration)
http://leykis101.com/ (more on pickup techniques and tips on dealing with women)
And as for children... overrated and expensive. In addition, letting them grow up in Singapore is child abuse.
Conclusion: you can have many girlfriends, the paid type or the unpaid 'fall in love' type. Just don't bring any of them home to meet your parents, or buy the ring, or ask her to apply for a HDB flat together. Avoid marriage.
If you can live without women, even better. Focus on your career, your hobbies(which many men stop having after objections from wifey. They can range from clubbing, hanging out with certain friends, gaming, board games, motorbikes, sports etc. You get the idea). Read more, travel more, experience more. Improve your life.
Marriage has nothing to do with love. At its very core it is nothing more than a business transaction. A business which promises high risk and low, dubious returns. You don't have to play the game if it is rigged against you.
And yes, hi again. I was
the laksa_boy back when this forum was at delphi forums. I almost never posted here since the forum shifted. Nevertheless, I still come here from time to time, and I do read Temasek Review/TOC often.
Happy National Day. Too bad that Old Bastard is still alive this year.
Also, they showed the weepy 'kicked out of Malaysia' scenes TWICE this year, yesterday and today. How desperate can they get?
Peace, and good luck.