in the late 70s, dupont lighters were popular with the bengs. in the early 80s, as a mata mata, i bought one. lasted less than 3 months. left it behind at a nightclub. hardly see them nowadays. using disposable lighters now. no $.
Ascott - I can't remember whether they made stuff for tennis or squash.
4711 - The cologne or perfume commercial usually come on before a movie back in the 1970s (if I recall correctly).
Panther - Thin sole sport shoes.
Funland and Yippee - Magazines for primary school kids. The magazines will usually consist of short stories and I think pen pal columns. Used to read them when in primary school.
Ascott - I can't remember whether they made stuff for tennis or squash.
4711 - The cologne or perfume commercial usually come on before a movie back in the 1970s (if I recall correctly).
Panther - Thin sole sport shoes.
Funland and Yippee - Magazines for primary school kids. The magazines will usually consist of short stories and I think pen pal columns. Used to read them when in primary school.
Ascott - I can't remember whether they made stuff for tennis or squash.
4711 - The cologne or perfume commercial usually come on before a movie back in the 1970s (if I recall correctly).
Panther - Thin sole sport shoes.
Funland and Yippee - Magazines for primary school kids. The magazines will usually consist of short stories and I think pen pal columns. Used to read them when in primary school.