If there were a super natural being, why would he need a very specific religion to support his existance?
Why would he need an evangelist? He would be more effective in making direct communication rather through an evangelist. It don't make sense.
Hi Toronto,
God is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. God is the creator of all things. God doesn't need anything to support His existence.
Perhaps to many people, the concept of a deity/deities worshipping is expressed through religions. There are not many times that the word religion is mentioned in the Bible. I managed to find this one:
James 1:26-27
If anyone considers himself
religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his
religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
We sometimes want things our way. We want to understand things according to our prior perceptional biases. It is only natural. Our minds are structured more for survival than for seeking truths. We yearn comfort through 'rationalization' more than stressing ourselves over the unknown.
The rationalization I am referring to here is the psychological term to describe an unconscious defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are logically justified and explained in a rational or logical manner in order to avoid any true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means.
So, with things that we do not understand, we will find ways to sooth our minds through our own 'figuring out' till our minds at put at ease.
Thus, if you are open-minded enough, I will say this (this is from me, I have not found any quotes from the Bible for this yet):
God does not intend that the world He created to be a magical and super-natural world that many 'health and wealth' christians profess.
If you want to live comfortably, you work hard for it. If you want others to treat you well, you treat others well, first. If you want respect, you earn it. If you want to score 'A's in the exams, you better study hard.
So, in the same line of reasoning, God intends that his people sacrifice themselves to preach the Word of God, all over the world. And in the process, demonstrate the love of God, through their care, love, sacrifice to the unsaved ...... all over the world.
Many christians have died in remote places trying to reach out to the ends of the world, preaching the Word of God. These are not the 'health and wealth' christians sitting comfortably in their air-con million-dollar churches, demanding that God bless them with BMWs, condos, investments and fat trust accounts.